Lionel Messi llega a Abu Dabi y entrena antes del Mundial 2022

Lionel Messi Está En Abu Dhabi Y Entrena Antes Del Mundial 2022 #lionelmessi #argentina #qatar2022 Fad3nHD Producción Lionel Messi llegó a Abu Dhabi y se entrenó antes del inicio del Mundial 2022 en Qatar. ¡Gracias por ver!

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39 comentarios en «Lionel Messi llega a Abu Dabi y entrena antes del Mundial 2022»

  1. There is problem, a big problem. No one will believe how messi will play. Messi will begin to do legovers and play differently from what we know him. This time everyone will confirm he's truly the God of football!!!

  2. Come on Messi we demand a great show. I dont want to think about non western law system and mistreated migrant workers and the slave state. There is only one way this can end, Messi winning the world cup playing good football. Otherwise this world cup will be remembered as a big sport washing event to stop the Saudis and the United emirates from attacking Qatar. Messi will have to give the biggest effort in his career in this tournament, otherwise the millions from PSG are not worth it. Qatar should promise and invest into Argentina,maybe that will give the little man some push to stop walking all game.

  3. Messi is getting paid by the Qataris .. money comes first for him. No heart for the migrant workers who lost their lives.. 234 for each game of this tournament. Blood on your hands

  4. For those who wonder why we hug and kiss each other all the time. It is because according to a study we cannot be more than 77 centimeters from another person. (interpersonal distance) So if you meet an Argentine for the first time and he hugs you or kisses you on the cheek, don't be scared.

  5. Yay lets go help a TERRIBLE COUNTRY PROFIT OFF THEIR SLAVE LABOUR STADIUMS & after the game lets go watch their police KILL GAYS in public.
    😂😂 they preach & VIRTUE SIGNAL eith BLM & LGTB… but you put $€£ in their face THE TRUE COLOURS SHOW

  6. ঠিক বলছো,ইদানীং ত কিছু ই মনে থাকে না। আর
    নিজেকে দিন দিন মানসিক রোগি মনে হচ্ছে। এত বেশি মুড সুইং করে।

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