The Historical Background of Football

Football is the king of all sports, it is sport which combines strength with intelligence, courage and elegance, attracting a lot of young kids, who try to copy their idols they see on television. Also, they feel happy of being able to achieve performance in such a domain.

Football is a team sport which is played between two teams made of eleven players, each of them trying to introduce the ball in the goal, hitting it with their foot or with any other part of their body, except for the arms. This sports game is one of the phenomena of our era and we can admit that is the most appreciated sport played today. This sport was first mentioned in England in 1175. The French used to play a similar game called «La soule» and the Italians used to play «Il giuoco del calcio».

The first details referring to football appeared in England in 1602, when there were two such games. Starting with the eighteenth century, the English started playing rugby, the players being forced to hit the ball with their foot, which led to the name it has today.

The 26th of October 1863 is the date when the first football association and the first regulations were created, there being thirteen articles referring to the rules of this sport. In 1904, FIFA was founded, which brought a series of changes in the regulations of this sport. In 1930, FIFA organized the first World Championships, which took place in Uruguay.

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"Un rival enorme". San Lorenzo 3 – Viale FC. 32 avos. Copa Argentina 2015. FPT.

El arquero de Viale FC, Lucas Rodríguez, analizó la derrota y sostuvo que tuvieron chances para descontar ante San Lorenzo.

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Football Safety Tips For Kids

Let’s face it: in America, football is king. It is the social glue that holds together countless communities, groups of friends, and even entire families, with millions gathering in the stands and around TV screens annually to share in the thrill of a big game. In some towns, it would not be a surprise for a child to make his first pass before learning to walk. On the field, in the home or bar, football reigns supreme.

Every year, thousands of kids gear up for a first-hand taste of this national pastime. However, as a full-contact sport, there is no avoiding the fact that football can be dangerous at any level, amateur and professional alike. With this in mind, here are a few ways in which you can best ensure your child’s experience on a school or club football team is as positive and character-building as it should be.

Proper Gear

The first step to take in keeping your child safe regardless of position he or she will play  is an investment in the right protective gear. The following list covers all the equipment with which any football player should be outfitted:

Helmet with face mask and a mouth guard – A proper fit in this department is crucial, as oversized helmets and mouth guards can easily be knocked off during rougher moments.

Protective padding for thighs, shoulders and around the hips

Cleats – Football is traditionally an all-weather sport, so having a shoes that can grip the turf well in every condition is important in preventing twisted ankles and other foot-related injuries.

Leg and ankle braces – Related to the point about, these minimize the severity of the slips, trips, and falls that occur in virtually every play.


As with any sport, proper stretches and warm-up exercises are vital to preventing strains and maximizing athleticism. A thorough routine can be anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes long, and will raise body temperature, heart and respiratory rates, and increase metabolic Stretches should be comprehensive, covering not only limbs and joints but also the torso. Remember, always include at least a short run before stretching out to avoid pulling a muscle, and stretch just to the point of discomfort – not beyond.

Last but not least, always make sure your child understands the rules of the game before taking the field. This is one of the simplest to avoid an injury, and yet it is too often overlooked. Good communication between coaches, players, and referees is one of the best guarantees for safe game.

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France – Argentina (4-3) 4K FULL HIGHLIGHTS & GOALS (Argentinian Commentary)

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Spilling the Football in the 4-3 Defense

Today, most Defensive Coordinators will tell you that they are a spill team. That means that they want to keep the ball going sideline to sideline, and prevent it from cutting up the field.

Every defense uses the principle of a «Contain player» as well. The contain player is the player who stops the spill. In our 4-3 Defense, we say that everyone in the defensive front is a spill player, and one player (to each side) is the «box» player.

The box player, quite simply, boxes the play and forces it back to the inside. That’s in a perfect world, of course.

Many coaches use the term, «Force» player instead of «Contain» or «Box» because they want that player to force the ball to change direction in some way. Either the ball carrier needs to turn back to the inside, where help is, or he needs to bubble the ball back to try to go around the force player.

If the ball carrier is forced to bubble back, that gives the pursuit from the inside a chance to get there. It also means the player is closer to pinning himself to the sideline. The sideline is the 12th Man in any football defense.

The 4-3 Defense is a true spill defense. Each player on the defensive front 7 is responsible for the inside half of his assigned gap. He should almost run into the blocker that is to the inside of his gap responsibility.

We call this «squeezing the air out» of the gap. Think of when you put something in a zip lock bag, and squeeze all of the air out before you seal it up. By taking all of the space out between him and the inside player in the gap, the ball is forced to, at the very worst, continue outside of him.

As the players squeeze the air out in the 4-3 Defense, we are building a wall of defenders for the ball carrier to maneuver. There should be no place for him to turn up the field. Even the slightest crease can result in disaster. It takes just one player failing to squeeze the air out, and we could be in trouble.

If each player does his job in building the wall, the ball will continue outside of the spill and eventually run into the contain player, or box player. The box player in our defense is normally the Strong Safety or Free Safety to the play side. We use a Quarters Coverage to get both safeties involved in the run defense and create a 9 Man Front.

The final piece of the puzzle is the deep defenders. If we are using Quarters Coverage, we have a 9 man front, and two defenders who must always stay over top of the #1 Receivers. These are the corners.

Any defender who is responsible for a deep zone of the field, or who is locked in man to man coverage, cannot be counted on for your run fits. He is not in the spill, nor is he the box player. Our corners have the job of taking away trick passes, play actions, and other plays where the wide receivers could pose a threat even after the offense shows run.

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Brazil-Argentina World Cup qualifier halted over COVID protocols

A Brazil-Argentina World Cup qualifying match has been suspended after health officials said four Argentinian players had violated COVID-19 quarantine rules.
According to Brazilian health authorities Premier League players Giovani Lo Celso, Emiliano Martinez, Emiliano Buendia and Cristian Romero provided “false information” to immigration officials, failing to disclose they had spent time in the UK prior to their arrival.
Calling off the match just minutes after kick-off triggered chaos between police and players on the pitch.

Al Jazeera’s Daniel Schweimler reports from Buenos Aires, Argentina

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#BrazilvsArgentina #WorldCupQualifiers #Covid19

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Best Time to Purchase Football Shirts

The best time to purchase football shirts is when they are on sale. Most retailers will have a football shirt sale just before the football season begins. Usually during these sales only the football shirts are on sale. Another great time to purchase a shirt is when the season is just ending. The sales in these periods will only last a few days up to a week.

Do not expect to see these sales at the team’s stadiums however. The vendors at the stadiums rarely have sales or discounts on their merchandise. This is because the merchandise can be sold the following season. When something major changes with the team, such as team colors, then the remaining merchandise is worth even more.

When you are searching for these football shirt sales, make sure you are aware of which shirts are on sale. Often retailers will sell authentic jerseys as well as replicas. They may offer the authentic jerseys for a reduced price one week. And then discount the replicas another week. Sometimes they will offer sales on both types of shirts. However take caution in noticing what they discounted price will actually be. While the replicas may be offered for an eighty percent discount, you may find the discount for authentic shirts is much less. Typically, a retailer will not mark down an authentic jersey for more than half of the original price.

Preseason sales will often show a larger discount then postseason sales. This is because the retailer wants to get the fans to start buying merchandise early. Retailers realize that once the season has started, fans tend to hang on to their money for games ticket and other items. If a retailer has a preseason football shirt sale and the fan messes up his new shirt, odds are they will return to the same retailer for another shirt. While the fan will pay a higher price during the season, this gives the retailer another sale.

It is also very important to watch roadside vendors. Often these people will be selling replica shirts at authentic jersey prices. They will broadcast that they are having a football shirt sale but in reality their prices have not decreased any at all. If you insist on using one of these roadside vendors make sure you inspect the items carefully before you purchase them. There are many honest and hard working vendors who treat you fairly; however, there are just as many crooks out there as well.

Whenever you decide to buy your shirts is up to you. However, the best time is to find a football shirt sale before the season begins. If you happen to ruin your shirt during the season, wait until it ends to replace your shirt. This will guarantee that you will not spend too much for your football shirt. You should also try to avoid purchasing shirts at games as you will always spend more at the stadiums. The choice is up to you.

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Brasil 10 vs Argentina 1 – Amistoso Internacional – "SIN MESSI NO SOMOS NADA" – Parodia / Highlights

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Brasil golea a Argentina por la fecha 11 de las Eliminatorias Rusia 2018, (La profecia se ha cumplido) donde queda demostrado que Argentina sin Lionel Messi es un equipo cualquiera, La torcida brasileña esta feliz por el accionar del equipo del Tite, que con un juego demoledor hace pedazos al seleccionado Albiceleste, que sucumbe ante la calidad y magia de Neymar y compañia.


Dani Alves
Lucas Lima (2)
David Luiz
Neymar (2)
Douglas Costa

Romero y Otamendi en contra


El sueño de Lionel Messi:
La pulga sufre una lesion faltando poco para jugar ante Brasil, él subia las escaleras y resbalo fracturandose el brazo izquierdo y algunas contusiones. En ese momento que es hospitalizado la pulga solo se conforma con ver el partido por la Tv, viendo caer a su selección por una goleada catastrofica, Messi no lo podia creer, que su ausencia fuera tan determinante y necesaria, para que los argentinos de una vez se dean cuenta que él no es Maradona, pero si necesario para el equipo. Al rato viene una enfermera y le pone un tranquilizante en las nalgas, con la desesperacion de seguir viendo el partido, Lionel despierta en la concentracion del Barcelona a lado de Pique, y se da cuenta que aun esta en España y que no ha viajado a Argentina y que todo era una pesadilla, la pulga suspira, se agarra la cabeza y dice: «Sin la pulga Argentina no es nada».

Clasico sueño Argentino para sacar a su entrenador cuando las cosas van mal.

10 Noviembre del 2016
Messi vs Neymar
Brazil 10 Argentina 0
巴西阿根廷10 0
Brasil goleou a Argentina por 10-0
Бразилия 10 Аргентина 0
Brasilien 10 Argentinien 0
브라질 (10) 아르헨티나 0
Brésil 10 Argentine 0
Brasile 10 Argentina 0
Brazilië 10 Argentinië 0

Brazil thrashed and humiliates Argentina for ten to zero

Brasil 3 vs Argentina 0
Goleada brasilera

Argentina vs Brasil
DT. Jorge Sampaoli

Australia 0 – 4 Brasil
Brasil 4 vs Austrailia 0
Argentina 6 vs Singapur 0
Singapur 0 – 6 Argentina

confederations cup 2017

Brasil 10 vs Argentina 1 – Eliminatorias Rusia 2018 – «SIN MESSI NO SOMOS NADA» – Parodia

Copa América 2019
Argentina vs Brasil
Brasil vs Argentina
Arabia Saudita
Brasil vs Argentina Amistoso 15/11/2019
15 de noviembre del 2019
Football Match Highlights
Soccer Goals

#BrasilVsArgentina #AmistosoInternacional #Messi

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Fantasy Football – A Lesson In Monetizing Anything

Attention entrepreneurial spirits – the following would have seemed as fictional as Star Wars to our grandfathers, not to mention Vince Lombardi. However, it’s all true and there’s a valuable lesson in this – you can monetize anything!

Congratulations to the NFL. They’ve found a way to keep a huge fan base despite the myriad off the field issues they seem to shrug off weekly. The referee strike of 2012 and the inept replacements? Forget it – that didn’t even register on the NFL fan’s «List of Things to Care About. » How could it? This is a league that has recently seen popular players either indicted or found guilty of domestic violence, rape, child abuse, and murder. Nice guys, huh? In short, there is NOTHING that would keep us from tuning in each Thursday, Sunday, and Monday (in my lifetime, I am sure there will be a game on every night of the week). TV ratings suggest this monster really IS too big to fail.

So why do we do it? It’s not because we care about who wins or loses the actual game. Some of us do, but we’re now in the minority. No, the wins and losses are not even the second reason. Sports gambling, though illegal in most states, WAS what kept the NFL atop the list for sports fans. People gamble nearly $10 billion on the Super Bowl alone. Imagine what a full season brings in. The joke used to be something like «Daddy’s favorite team is the Dolphins and he wants them to win by less than 4 points.» However, because gambling has such a negative connotation in society, people don’t talk about it much, and certainly not when they lose.

The thing that will help the NFL remain the king of the hill indefinitely turns out to be the photo negative of gambling. It’s Fantasy Football, and it’s nearly reached the point where we can remove the word «Fantasy» from the name. It’s quite real, and it’s here to stay. Gambling is illegal because it’s considered a «game of chance.» Wagering on Fantasy Football is legal because it is considered a «game of skill» (don’t ask me who decides these things, but it’s true). Gambling is ugly because it can ruin people’s lives when they lose. Fantasy Football is innocent and fun, even though the same amount of money is spent on participating, and yes, half of it is lost. With gambling, there is only money. With Fantasy Football, there is money, but also funny team names, trophies, and bragging rights. It’s market norms versus social norms, once again. Unless you live in one of the few states where gambling is legal, it takes connections to people with connections to partake. Participating in Fantasy Football only requires an internet connection and as little as a $1 investment.

Fantasy Football’s roots can be traced back to the 1960’s, but that was a different world. It wasn’t until the last 10 years, thanks entirely to the internet, that it took flight and became a craze… and a SERIOUS business. About 40 million Americans are playing some form of Fantasy Football this year, and they are spending approximately $2 billion to do so, but that’s just the beginning. When you consider the entire industry, the empire that is Fantasy Football is estimated to be worth more than $50 billion! And it’s going to continue to grow. Everybody’s doin’ it. I play, my friends play. Heck, even NFL players play! Just this week, one NFL player tweeted «I’m probably going to lose my fantasy football matchup this week cause (Adrian Peterson) can’t play Sunday for disciplining his child… » Really.

While you won’t hear announcers talk about point spreads, they frequently refer to Fantasy statistics. The crawl at the bottom of the TV screen is now devoted to the new national pastime. As big as the NFL has become, it recognizes that it NEEDS the Fantasy Football element to keep its brand healthy, so they go out of their way to promote it. There are magazines, books, radio shows, and TV shows devoted to it and there is even a TV series based on a group of friends tied together by their Fantasy Football league. Only in America!

On-line Fantasy Football sites are raking in money, capitalizing on the popularity of this «game of skill.» One of the most popular sites boasts that it pays out more than $10 million per week. Considering they are cleverly charging 10% on every dollar to facilitate the thousands of contests among strangers, it’s easy to calculate how a company like this can quickly become worth millions almost overnight. And it’s not just NFL football. Most of these sites provide the forum for «Fantasy» baseball, hockey, basketball, golf, and the major college sports.

The lesson in all of this is simple – If you build the site, they will come, and they will come with dollars to spend. Find the product that people are crazy about and make it available to them on-line, in any form you can. If you don’t have the product itself, write a book about it. If you don’t want to write a book, write an article and sell it. Position yourself as an «expert» (whoever questions that anyway), and you’ll command a price.

Now, if you’ll excuse me. It’s nearly game time and I need to root for my kicker’s offense to move the ball down the field to the 30 and then get stopped. Strange thing, this Fantasy Football.

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