What To Look For Before Buying Football

Everyone has heard about the game of football. It is widely played with full zeal in various countries. The game is full of excitement & pleasure. In this game, every team has eleven players on its side including the goalie. It gives tremendous pleasure to watch eleven players on each side, tussling with each other to score the goal.

The game involves tremendous physical agility. The players have to run and jump more than 90 minutes. Thus, we can say that this is certainly the tough game. The players of this game harbor tremendous stamina. Owing to this, they have the capability to play during the whole game.

In recent years, the craze for this game has grown up. Though this is considered as the men’s sports, yet it has huge female fans. They equally participate in the game. Not only they watch the game but also play this game with full zeal.

The integral part of this game is football. It is this for which eleven players on each side tussle with each other. Every sport has some prescribed guidelines. According to these guidelines, these balls are manufactured. The most important parameter associated with this is size. The official authority has pre-defined the sizes. For young ones, the smaller balls are widely used. For adults, the authority has prescribed different size.

How to purchase football?

This is definitely the most important question. The ball has to suffer the hardships, so it is very important that it should be developed from the premium quality material. In order to meet the requirements of the buyers, the football manufacturers are employing the premium quality material. The sports authority has also defined the specifications of the material to be used for manufacturing this. The footballs are basically developed using the synthetic rubber. This is basically the compound of hydrocarbon. The authority has restricted the use of leather as a material for covering as it becomes heavier when it gets wet.

So the football manufacturers are employing best quality material in order to provide durability & reliability. Another very important thing that one should consult from the seller before buying the football is about the material of the lining & bladder. The lining is basically the different layers of the rubber that are provided beneath the outer covering. This layer is of utmost importance as it provides the bounce to the ball. Be sure, that this layer is made up of excellent quality rubber in order to provide durability & reliability.

Another thing that provides durability to the football is the bladder. It retains the air, providing it proper shape along with durability. Thus, prior to buying the football, you should look for these parameters in order to get the full value of your money.

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The Allure of Texas High School Football

Even if you’ve never been to a Texas high school football game, you probably know that these games and the fans who follow them are somewhat different than other high school football games and fans. In Texas, football isn’t a sport and it isn’t an extra-curricular activity. No, it’s almost been elevated to the level of a religion. To say that Texas high school football fans are passionate about the spot would be an understatement; a huge understatement.

Friday Night Lights may have been first a popular book and then a film but it all started with the true story of one season with the Odessa Permian Panthers. Hollywood didn’t need to pump up the real life story of this Texas high school team with fabrication; the real story was already enough of a legend to carry it all the way to the silver screen.

If you think you know high school football, you haven’t seen anything until you’ve seen it from the Lone Star State. Even the smaller schools really get involved. It’s not uncommon to see entire caravans traveling the Texas highways on Friday nights; the football team, drill team, cheerleaders, marching band and sponsor. All of that can easily require a dozen buses or so. And that’s not even including the hordes of parents and fans that travel right along with them. In relatively few other events will you see devoted fans travel hundreds of miles for a playoff game; and keep in mind that in Texas that’s entirely possible. The border from east to west stretches almost one thousand miles.

So, what is it exactly about Texas high school football in particular that seems to appeal to such a mass audience? While there may be no definitive answer for that question, there is definitely one certainty: nothing else on earth has quite the same intensity and passion to it. You can feel it reverberating in the air when you step into any high school football stadium throughout the state.

High school football fans in Texas are not just passionate about football; they live it and breathe it. On any given Friday night during football season in Texas you’re likely to see just about as much violence in the stands as you are on the turf if one fan happens to aggravate another.

And that’s not even mentioning the rivalry that can take place between teams in Texas. While it’s not uncommon at all for neighboring towns throughout the country to form high school football rivalries, Texans take it to a whole new level. In many cases, extra policeman have to be called out during big rival games just to keep the peace among the crowd. In a few instances, some towns had to stop even playing one another at all because of the violence that ensued between fans in the stands and on the sidelines during rival games.

The exact allure of Texas high school football may be somewhat difficult to describe, but one thing is certain: you feel it when you experience it.

If the rest of the world loves soccer, Texans love football.

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What the Australian Football Devotee Watched at a Game

Australian football to the newcomer is a mystery because it is so different to every other football code. There is no offside and the players from both sides are spread all over the oval shaped ground.

The average person with some helpful advice can come to understand the main aims of the game and the great skills of kicking, high marking, handball and other skills. The devotee of my game watches many other parts to the game as well. This is the substance of this article.

When I grew up, other football code followers called our national game «Aerial Ping Pong» mainly because of the great amount of kicking and little vigorous tackling. Today the game is full of vigorous tacking from 360 degrees and has become extremely quick with constant running by all players.

Devotees of the game will tell you that to appreciate the game more fully; you need to position yourself opposite the centre circle at least half way up in a grandstand. There you can see the movement of players, the high marks and great tackling.

There is much to watch to keep you interested in the game from the first bounce to the final siren.

Firstly, there are the physical clashes which involve tackling, bumping and shepherding often followed by second and third efforts to gain the football.

Then you will be thrilled with the spectacular high marking with defensive players attempting to spoil these marks. Often, the player marking the ball will get a «ride» upon the shoulders of a defending player to take what is called a «Specky»

Next, you will be amazed at the speed of the game. You’ll see players running from one end of the field to the other. Players will run with the ball into the wide open spaces bouncing the ball in front of them every fifteen metres until they see a target player to whom they can kick or handball.

Sitting high in the stand allows you to see not only the movement of the ball but you can see the way players run to receive the football further down the ground.

If you are not impressed already, just admire the players’ skill in handballing and kicking. Players now use the handball as an attacking weapon more and more with handballs going 30 metres forward to an attacking player running into space.

The other great skill is to be able to kick the football over fifty metres with great accuracy. If that is not enough, the variety of kicking styles players use to kick goals from the boundary line will astound the new spectator. Then there is the goal often scored on the run from more than fifty metres that brings the crowd to their feet. It is even more exciting when the player kicks a long torpedo punt after the siren to kick the winning goal.

As a devotee to the game, you also watch how the coach changes tactics during the game and how he moves players around the ground to lift the team’s effort or to reduce the effectiveness of opposition players. The game can go through many sequences where each team gets a «run-on», kicking several goals in a row before the opposition can regain control. So the devotee will always feel his team is in the contest.

If you haven’t see a game of our national football code live, and you would like to do that, find a devotee to sit with at a ground like the M. C. G.; the Adelaide Oval or the «Gabba». That’s the best way to gain an appreciation of our great national game of football.

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How to Get Autographs From Pro Football Players

When the New England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady was eight years old, he found himself in the San Francisco Giants’ locker room, where he asked Chili Davis, a star for the team at the time, for an autograph. Davis refused, but said, «Maybe later, kid, maybe if you come by after the game.»

So the young Brandy stuck around, and after the game he re-approached his favorite player, only to be refused again with a «No, I’m not signing autographs after the game.»

The effect stuck with Brady, both in terms of the disappointment it brought him and in Brady’s future outlook on autographs when he found himself in similar situations.

«I certainly was hurt,» Brady told Tuff Stuff magazine. «But at the same time, I was in the guy’s clubhouse and now I look at it from a different perspective than I did when I was that age. At the time, though, it seemed like such a little request.»

One would expect that walking into the Patriot’s locker room and asking for autographs might be a fast way to get your butt kicked, but there are certain ways you can position yourself in the autograph-giver’s radar.

First, you must have something to sign. Having a player sign you arm may seem like a fun idea at the time–and they may well oblige–but it’s largely a pointless act since you’re going to eventually wash it off. Here’s a good rule of thumb: if you’re not going straight to the tattoo parlor to have a tattoo artist trace the autograph, don’t bother with body signing. Always carry a good-quality pen. What’s the point of handing a player something to sign if you don’t give him the means to do so?

Next, know who the heck you’re talking to. If you can call him by name, or say something that shows you have taken an interest in him, he’s going to look at you more sympathetically than some fan with a Giant «P» painted on his beer gut.

The next important thing to remember is location, location, location. It is far easier to get a player to sign something from a front row seat than from a seat in the second balcony. If you do get a good seat and also get to the game early, you can try to talk to the players as they walk by. If you can get a guy in conversation for a while, you might just end up with a few players stopping by to chat.

Sometimes a player will star signing autographs and a crowd will quickly form. This is another reason to get there early. Fighting a crowd for signatures–or worse–being in your seat as dozens of people start crowding around you, is likely to get you more than annoyed.

If you can learn where the players enter into and out of the stadium, that’s another great place to find them ready to sign, pose for photos, and shake hands. If they’re not in a hurry, they’re far more likely to stick around for a while.

There’s also always the traditional way of getting an autograph: write away for it. Most team clubs will accept mail and forward it on to the player. When writing an athlete for an autograph, the same rules apply for any mailed autograph request:

* Always include a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE).

* Enclose a photo and/or an index cards for the player to sign.

* Do not send food, money, or gifts.

* Always include a letter acknowledging the player and his accomplishments.

* Be patient.

Sending Fan Mail:

To send fan mail to a football player, simply write him at his team’s address.

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Developing Aggression in Youth Football Players, the Splatter Tackling Drill

Splatter Tackling Drills

We are huge fans of splatter tackling and splatter tackling drills when you are coaching youth football. These drills are great ways to ease your kids into full contact. We think it is imperative to prefect blocking and tackling technique at the youth level. Too many youth football coaches just don’t spend enough time or demand the perfection of detail that makes kids great blockers and tacklers.

Ruining the Potential of Good Kids

Despite what many youth coaches think, most kids aren’t born to be great blockers and tacklers, they are made. Unfortunately there are a bunch of kids out there that have the potential to be very good football players that are ruined by their youth football coach. These coaches rush kids into contact before they have perfected perfect blocking and tackling technique with their players WITHOUT contact. Too many kids get rushed into full speed blocking and tackling in space well before they are ready for it. That’s a coaching problem, not a kid problem. Coach is too busy trying to quickly see who is studs are, before giving his average and weaker kids a chance to develop the skills and confidence to be able to survive and compete in a full speed tackling or blocking drill in space.

Splatter Drills

In our book «Winning Youth Football a Step-by- Step Plan», we detail exactly how you can do it. One of the key steps is using «Splatter» drills. The Splatter Drill lets a player learn how to accelerate through contact without experiencing the consequence of a reciprocal blow. This drill also allows the player to take another player to the ground without a hard ground impact. This drill can also help you drill the correct landmarks for feet placement, head placement and hip roll.

For the player playing the role of the «patsy», the player providing zero resistance to the block or tackle and is getting slammed into a soft landing matt on every rep, the job doesn’t sound like much fun. But what I’m hearing from coaches all across the country is that their kids love to be the one holding the shield and getting slammed onto the landing pad every play. I thought our kids were weird, they all want to play the pasty, but I guess everyones kids are as odd as mine.

Problems With Splatter Drills

One of the things that always bothered me about this drill was the fact you need to have 4 long dummys to use as landing pads. Well at about $100 each, that is $400, out of the reach of many youth programs. Lugging these dummies around is a big hassle as well. Then once on the field, you have just one landing pad for 25 kids. As most of you know I’m not a fan of having kids standing in long lines, so that means whenever we do splatter drills. It is only part of a circuit, it is never a drill we want to do on it’s own, even if we need it.

The Solution, Tony Holland to the Rescue

My good friend Tony Holland from Maryland solved this one. He went to Walmart and bought several camping air mattresses for $65 each. Each mattress is big enough to be a landing pad all by itself. These things roll up into a small box too, so you don’t need a pickup to lug them around. Tony bought a small electric air compressor for $20 that not only inflates each mattress in less than 2 minutes, it also sucks the air out as well when you are finished. Tony has several of these mattresses so his kids can all do Splatter Drills at the same time and in much smaller groups. He didn’t have to repair a single leak and he said all of his are good to go for next season.

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