Estos son los kits filtrados y confirmados para la Copa del Mundo 2022. ¿Qué piensas? Dale me gusta y suscríbete Gracias por mirar 🙂 #worldcup #worldcup2022 #worldcupkit
Compra online la Camisetas de fútbol! En JD encontrarás las del FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, la selección de España y equipos internacionales. Fútbol Disfruta de las mejores noticias de la Liga BBVA, Liga Adelante, Champions League, fútbol internacional y mucho más.

Germnay, netherland and uruguay
England lgbt
Brazil is the better
Portugal home Horrible ?
Nike's not even trying!
My national team always has boring kits…And this one is the worst one?
Argentina legit looks like a champion's kit for me. France and Spain have really solid kits, as well. All the rest feel mediocre, or straight up bad. Especially that crappy blue fade on the English kit, and whatever the fuck that stripe is supposed to be on the German one.
Las de españa esta vez dan ocote cualquiera de las dos xc
La de holanda tiene esas mismas manchas que la de Alemania
La de francia y mexico visitantes nunca las usaria
Is this the actual release?
Mis Jersey's favoritos para a este Mundial son:
Germany, France, Mexico, Argentina ??
Where is Belgium ? ??
C'est honteux pour les femmes iranien liberté retirer le voile
Portugal home kit is LOL
Croatia home – like always spectacular… Germany Home and Brasil away also
Argentina 2014?!
FRANCE ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️
cada vez más poronga las camisetas, yo rajo a la mierda a los diseñadores
Tunisie ??
Germany home kit is like away kit from 2008
La de Japón esta buenísima
I have French kit ??❤️?
I'm Argentinean, our jersey is not bad, it could be better but I also liked them a lot: Germany home, Iran home, Japan home, Spain home… The one from Morocco looks like the one from France 1998.
Brazil home, the same old. like Uruguay.
Awful : Portugal home, Brazil away, France home…and Spain away! its the worst of all!
A camisa do Brasil e sempre a mesma coisa , um pano amarelo com as mangas verde , a diferença e que tem azul nas mangas , não gostei .
Gostava daquela de 1998 é 2002 aquilo sim era diferente.
Portugal is the best team
Portugal home kit, please be fake!
México away! ??
the local one of germany dissapointed me i would like it all black with the german flag on the end of the sleeves and neck, and maybe with german flag in the middle instead of that line
Nice to see some soccer shirts without sponsors names plastered all over them. Didn't show Australia ?? Japan (home) and Mexico (home) look really good. ??
Japense kit ?????????
Germany home=Ben 10 shirt
Germany 7×1
La de Argentina ?
Deutschland’s jersey ????
What do average comments find 'perfect' in the German jersey? I don't like it.
Omg what did you do with England's home Jersey? ??
The away however is astonishing ??????????
I'm Argentinian
Belanda Keren Juga Jersy Ny
Japan Jersy Keren
Englands kits ??
La de Portugal es un asco ??
Lol its the iiTzTimmy ending song, nice.
A mais linda é a do Brasil ????????
Best: Germany's home
Worst: Spain's away
La playera más horrible para mí es la de México, hasta yo podría hacer una igual a ese diseño bien simple y más por ese escudo que parece una gallina más que una águila.
Todo México lo dice de igual forma.
0:31 ????