Futbol Américas anticipa Argentina vs. México y discute la presión que está sobre Lionel Messi de cara al partido de la Copa del Mundo. ✔ Suscríbete a ESPN+: ✔ Suscríbete a ESPN FC en YouTube:
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Great player or not, it's cruel the way we put pressure on these guys.
Once again Messi shutting his critics. Y’all said he wasn’t a leader and the Main man on the Argentina 🇦🇷 team but he showed again today that he carries Argentina on his back💯
Messi is the best
South American qualify is the most competitive brutal. To be unbeaten this long u think it’s not that big of a deal!? Leo Messi isn’t the leader!!
He is scoring every match last 5/6 match for Argentina.
This lose could reignite the fire for Argentina n Leo Messi. I hope it did that for them. Now they can’t lose a match if they want to win the WC. Let’s hope they can do that
Nice placement by Messi against Mexico. It was from out of the box.
Messi had a poor performance initially to be honest but he scored. Lisandro Martinez's is playing brilliantly.
They need Garnacho in the Argentina national team. They are barely in the game against Mexico. They need a direct player like Garnacho.
Messi scored against Mexico.
the problem with people , messi already won this game , later on people say , ohh that game against Mexico , it was only in the group stage , not importatant , messi is not a big game player b;lah blah blah . I hate this
Here after Argentina won 2-0
Man. Messi already gained my total respect over the past decade…he's won it all over again tonight ♥
Greetz from Holland
Poor Messi, argentina playing sucks. Go home early i think.
They’re currently playing like ish again
Messi who? The worlds best player? Where is he? So overated!
This game will be insane
MEXICO 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
Who is here after Argentina lost
humanity from all the peoples of the world
The people of Palestine are still suffering from the injustice of the Israeli occupation
They expel our people from their land
They steal our land
They even kill our children because they do not want our people to remain in the future
They demolish Palestinian homes and capture anyone who refuses the occupation
And you enjoy your freedom in your land and in your homelands
Remember the oppressed people of Palestine who still want freedom and life on the land of Palestine in peace
Freedom for the people of Palestine
Long live Palestine
Down with Zionism
Today Argentina will be kicked out of world cup by Mexico.
Too much pressure on one player. He is a Great player, but stop comparing him to Maradona.
All we need is Ankara Messi….just bring it…enough is enough
Argentinians don’t think of the other teams results, for them the only strategy is to win. That’s why we in Mexico don’t develop, because we are always trying to make some numbers behind, some combinations, some pray and see if we qualify or not.
Judging from Messi's performance vs Saudi Arabia, he's probably carrying a slight knee injury or something else but his desire and the knowledge of him sitting on the sidelines due to injury would leave the squad discouraged.
Hope they can win tonight
OMG 😳😳 Talking about reviving ghosts 👻 I've wondering where the former Toffee defender Funis Mori was off to… So he's now playing for Mexico?😳😳😳
Mexico needs to remember how Argentina eliminated them in 06 and 10. This needs to be a revenge game
Argentina won't make it group c is though
Messi needs to get into space to recieve the pass more. He needs to be hungry and be determined to carry the team. This is what GOAT'S do. GOAT'S have to be determined that they will make the difference. His quiet personality does not help him to be the GOAT. I'm a huge Messi fan. I hope he can show the GOAT personality today and for the rest of the World Cup.
Argentina is gone lets not give them hope
Di Maria is no leader.
This game will not only prove if messi is him but also if he’s even top 5 all time
The main reason why Argentina never won a WC with Messi was due to lack of qualified defenders.
What a big defeat of Argentina, I believe they have a horrible team, to bad !!….The only thing that we can expect for sure is the attitude vs México of believing they are better, ( pride is like a bad joke when you are defeated) hopefully México makes a good play but with the shitty president AMLO a NARCO-PRESIDENTE who knows,?, what is the U.S. waiting to get rid of this Communist NARCO-PRESIDENTE AMLO treat to the U.S. people?…Who knows !!
I want Argentina and Messi to lose , I know I’m not the only one
Now we’re back to the narrative that messi is carrying Argentina? Please stop it. If there is no Di Maria, there is no party.
Messi has no excuses not to make it out the group stage
Asian countries are teaching the so called Giants a lesson, that they are not to be taken easy in anyways
Portugal for the win!!🇵🇹
They hv to play martinez, take off paradez and romero
Honestly hes under the biggest pressure in his life,and most of that pressure is bcs hes idiot fans cant keep their mouth shut,imagine that😂😂
Messi is a non factor in world cup futball
99% of predictions say Argentina lift wc….
Why…. 99% so there is no way other yeam wins…. Today mexico lose messi scores hatrick and… Easly wins worldcup…
I dont know why other fans still belwve they wins… Already all channels pedicted messi lift trophy…
Today we gona see that.. M
messi for me is already the goat. however i dont think his the best captain…a captain has to also marshal the rest of squad and be at the necks of every player to make sure they are awake,fighting and keeping a high standard. messi is introverted and humble by nature…its not in his character to be that leader to shout at all the players and wake them up during a tough period in the match.
Other than Messi and DiMaria Argentina have no threat. Martinez is awful, Depaul and Peredes are just ball winners. Messi has to drop back leaving martinez isolated.
After giving one of the most moving speeches I’ve ever seen before a Copa America final, Messi “isn’t that guy”. Yeah.
Messi will ghost in this match again. He will play his typical slow football. Slow, curved shots, failed free-kicks, ball losing, etc.
Argentina need to gets up and play to score.the game football is all about goals not a bluff.make a win today to encourage your fans as well as your country Argentina. All the best today.
"Easy win" say the aregntinias.
They said the same against Saudi Arabia. We all know how that went. Dos a uno…
Directed by Robert B. Weide
Lozano will fry Argentina tonight