Argentina gana el mundial 2022

► Suscríbete a Sky Sports News: Argentina ganó la Copa del Mundo por tercera vez después de derrotar a Francia por penales en la final de 2022 en Qatar. Lionel Messi y Ángel Di María pusieron a Argentina en una ventaja de 2-0 antes de que un rápido doblete tardío de Kylian Mbappe enviara el juego a la prórroga. Messi anotó su segundo gol del partido y restauró la ventaja de Argentina, pero Mbappé completó su hat-trick en los últimos minutos para rescatar a Francia nuevamente y enviar el juego a la tanda de penales. #SkySportsNews #SkySports #WorldCup2022 ► Para conocer las últimas noticias de la Copa Mundial: Más de Sky Sports en YouTube: ► Sky Sports Retro: ► Sky Sports: ► Sky Sports Football: ► Sky Sports Boxing: ► Sky Sports F1: ► Sky Sports Cricket: ► Sky Sports Golf: ► Para obtener información sobre la licencia del contenido de Sky Sports News, puede obtener más información aquí:

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26 comentarios en «Argentina gana el mundial 2022»

  1. Strange that nobody ever mentions penalty shootout and the tactics around it.

    Gonzalo Montiel has shot a lot of penalties for River Plate. Has never missed. Leandro Paredes has now shot 9 penalties. Never missed. Paulo Dybala has shot 26 penalties and scored 22. Those guys have been under pressure in similar situations many times. All ARG guys were regular penalty takers. Was it a coincidence that Paredes, Dybala and Montiel came in at the end? Nope.

    What France had? They walked young, inexperienced guys to the gallows. In the biggest event in the world. Guys that haven't shot penalties before. You saw it from their face that they were scared shitless. Giroud is a good taker, Griezmann not so good but at least those guys have tons of experience. They were already substituted.

    There was a HUGE advantage for Argentina and on top of that Emiliano Martinez who is a known penalty shootout goalie.

    If you follow football a bit deeper you'd known that the game was over before the shootout.

  2. This tournament just showed not always stage bets team on paper wins (obvs) but the team who grafts and works hard and wants it gets it. Argentina were a great team apart from messi but they deserved it.

  3. Semua bokep creepy di mata Lo Intel Lo itu very sad bagi korban lo Mak Erot anjing. Semua amoral brulang2 Lo itu mmcekam korban Lo taik. Semua hack Lo bertahun-tahun bajingan. Bgitulah Lo TDK ada otak knp memaksakan korban kebrutalan massal Lo msh jg Lo enteng lari dan waktu hidup usia rahim gw habis disini sia2 SPT jiwa gw melihat ini lagi dan lagi anjing. Dunia gw sdh berubah dgn kgilaan massal creepy Lo taik atas apa yg akrobat Lo tidak ada otak trus menjejali org dgn smua sampah amoral menjijikkan Lo taik. TDK ada org yg bisa snegara Lo smua kaum zalim amoral ngeri anjing. Akhiri anjing. Lo hny akan trus mliat gw mnangis jijik ngilu luarbiasa dgn hack lu taik. Hidup gw yg jauh drastis melenceng dgn kejahatan Lo perbuatan lu taik 💩🖕🇮🇩

  4. Greatest World Cup Final I’ve ever seen. This tournament was amazing. Messi has truly cemented his name as the greatest of all time.🐐

  5. Great confessions here. So, these confessions on winning the world Cup has confirmed my suspicions when people criticise the likes of Pogba, I now know, because the so called greats never touched the ultimate prize. Be proud Pogba and keep reading the confessions.

  6. Argentina's manager is lucky, he almost ruined everything they worked for by substituting Di Maria. That was the single most foolish manager decision of the tournament.

  7. 25:00 salsa music start playing, “no le pegue a la negra!!” 😂😂😂😂 when Latin people want party whole day till the next morning this song is always there on replay. 😂😂😂🤣🤣

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