Once every four years, football shifts its focus. The 24-hour cycle of club football drama takes a back seat and the World Cup arrives. Reminding us why it remains the beautiful game’s biggest stage.
A worldwide footballing festival, where amongst the cultural melting pot, legacies get decided. Narratives are altered. And in 2022, one story stole all the headlines. That of one man, one nation and one chance for Lionel Messi to change football’s history forever.
Whilst Doha may have felt like the heart of the action, we sent Eli Mengem 14,000 km in the other direction to Argentina, to witness a nation experiencing something bordering on spiritual.
Amongst a backdrop of political disarray, economic turmoil and 36 years of World Cup heartbreak. A nation clung on to its greatest point of passion and pride as a beacon of hope.
Football’s biggest name. In its biggest ever game.
Forget anything you saw in Qatar. The story of the 2022 FIFA World Cup was in Argentina.
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Compra online la Camisetas de fútbol! En JD encontrarás las del FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, la selección de España y equipos internacionales. Todas las noticias sobre Fútbol publicadas en EL PAÍS. Información, novedades y última hora sobre Fútbol.
Eli is gold
The AFA logo is one star short…

wrong subtitles. don't get why you don't translate correctly.
it translates to: "If he wins, he will be there in the throne. Lose, and he'll be below the ground"
Been waiting for a year
2024? Come on man I need to see this now!
Todo international trade you need $. Low level of exports means too few $ Available'. Not joining BRICS does Not give a route out. A BRICS Regional IMF style Sdr with trading partners might have ?
Jajajajaja aguante ARGENTINA carajo!!! Aguante "LEO"

Honeslty, its isnt the greatest pure sports story ever told. That would be an underdog team, like denmark or greece winning the euros, or like leicester winning the Premiership….
Going to be epic !!
I still got goosebumps, thank you Messi and Argentina
Así como nuestros padres, madres y abuelos vieron campeon a Maradona, nosotros vimos campeon a Messi. Siempre orgullosa de mi país .
Si me dieran a elegir, eligiria volver a nacer una y mil veces más en Argentina. Nada se compara. Nada.
Fantastic Story tellers of football

I hope its an hour long to be honest.

There are many far greater football stories
When does it release!!!!
Looking forward to this so much, you just know Eli and the team are going to knock it out of the park
Can’t wait to watch this. This series is awesome.
P.S. Bring back Derby Days
Genuinely cannot wait for this. I just know how hard Eli & the team have worked in this

waited for a year and its finally coming out, i had lost hope, thought that they canceled it or something
This is going to be the BEST video Copa90 have ever done I cannot wait for this! Best channel on YouTube by a country mile! Vamos Argentina

This episode is going to be epic!!
This story and Eli is too good. BUT WHEN IS IT RELEASED
Who won the World Cup?
Just drop it now
you have dropped this after 1 whole year and its just the trailer , drop the whole thing the world wants to see it ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eli Mengem is the goat, our anthony bourdain – telling the most important stories from our game in the best way possible for 10 years, i CANNOT WAIT for this
I cannot wait for this
Eli istg i waited a whole year for this documentary to drop
I’m already crying
Look at the passion! This looks epic!!!
Waited for this for so long ffs

Saying this before watching
This is going to be greatest Sports Documentary ever….
Copa 90 + Argentina is usually a recipe for a documentary masterclass.
I've waited forever for this. Did not think this was coming and now you're telling me 2024. That's seriously mean
So what happened? Did they win?
Still remember watching the final, praying that Argentina would pull through. That moment they won, pure joy. This is going to be special.
That last world cup was really sus. Seemed fixed to make Messi win.
Lmaooo,imagine celebrating bought world cup like that…garbage country,garbage fans and garbage team!
I just know this one is going to be a the best episodes we've seen, PERIOD
Well done! Dodgy World Cup but good trailer.
This could be the best one yet