Football Is The Best Game For All Sports Lovers

For all the sports lovers out there football is one of the most favorite sports game ever. They love playing it and they love the thrill of it. Every time there is a football world cup or any great football championship going on, all the enthusiasts simply go berserk and cannot have enough of the game. It is a much loved sport of all time and people love watching as well as playing it.

Football had had a greater fan base abroad where there are a number of teams that are loved immensely by the crowd and every time they play there is no stopping in the cheering. Like every other sports game, football has a number of rules and specifications too that need to be kept in mind during every game, it is the difference in the sports and their specifications that make them so interesting.

Let us have a look about few of the facts related to this sport and whether they are as interesting as the sport itself:


As far as the statistics go, football has been regarded as the most watched sports of all time. This should not come as a surprise because everyone is aware of its huge fan base. People simple love this show and they cannot get enough of it. Every time there is a match they can hardly control their excitement level and they just love the thrill of it, the entire games and all the rules associated with it is really interesting and the fans love every part of it.


As mentioned earlier, there are a certain rules and then a certain specifications that should be kept in mind while playing this sport. Over the years it has been concluded that a footballer needs to run for 9.65 kilometers for every game. That is quite a lot and that is the specification calculated for this particular sport. No wonder all the footballers are in such a fit shape and have the perfect physique for the sport.


You must have heard a lot of people call football as «soccer». Always remember that you will only be hearing the Americans and Canadians use that term for football. They are the only ones who call this sport by that name and that is how they are distinguished from the rest of the crowd. This game is famous worldwide and the fan base is equally divided all across the globe.

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Gambling With Your Coat On – Change the Way You Bet on Football

Ask a simple question – how do bookies make money – and you’ll likely get a fistful of answers, the most popular being a shake of the head or a shoulder shrug. Or both. The real answer is actually rather prosaic. They make money by setting odds on an event that ensure that they maintain a profit margin regardless of the outcome. This is known as ‘margin’. This is why odds on outcomes change as more money is wagered – the bookie is mathematically manipulating the odds to preserve their advantage. This is known as keeping the book balanced.

Clearly there are other factors involved, such as an intricate understanding of the sport/event in question, but essentially that’s it. It stands to reason, therefore, that the bookie is basically trying to make money whatever the outcome and isn’t relying on luck. Take it a step further and you’ll realise that it must follow that the bookies are counting on relatively small margins, often as little as 4% or 5% and that, therefore, bookies depend on large numbers to make their money.

And there you have it – small margins and large numbers. Or put another way, little and often. Simple isn’t it?

What’s this got to do with you? Well, if the bookmaker doesn’t believe in luck and is quite happy to make a relatively small profit on a wager – (in percentage terms, remember, little and often) – then why not you? If you want to consistently profit in gambling, then you need to start betting smarter. You need to retrain your mind. Start thinking like a bookmaker.

This is not as easy as you might think, however, for the simple reason that most people gamble with one aim in mind – to get in return significantly more than they stake. Understandable but, ultimately, flawed. Even experienced bettors make this mistake. And it’s a mistake that the bookmakers cherish and encourage. Consider this: why are bookies seemingly delighted to publicise the punter who wins £10,000 from his seven horse 50 pence accumulator? Why would they be so happy to lose so much money? For the simple reason that they know it happens so infrequently. They know for every 1 winning seven horse accumulator there will be tens of thousands of others that will lose, so it’s ultimately in their interests to encourage this kind of rainbow-chasing.

So that’s the message of this article. Start retraining yourself. When people bet on football over 99% of them will wager in multiples – accumulators to you and me. A 4 team accumulator, for example, or a correct score double, typically to return at least 5/1, usually much more. Test your resolve. Try betting in singles. Try increasing your stake by much smaller margins, 60% or 80% or 110% or the like. In those three examples a £10 stake will give you a profit of £6 or £8 or £11. Instead of saying that’s hardly worth it, start the retraining by saying a £6 or £8 or £11 profit is perfectly acceptable and you’re on your way. Next time I’ll tell you how you can take your new philosophy to the next logical level.

Oh, and good luck.

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How To Become A Better Football Player Fast

If you are looking for a fast way to become a better football player, here are my suggestions and tips.

The first thing I suggest you do is write down your goals. Remember when making your goals, don’t make them too broad. Try and set your goal so they’re not too hard to achieve or impossible to achieve, but they’re also not incredibly easy to achieve. Try to not set goals such as, I want to become a better football player.» Instead make the goals such as, «I am going to run a 4.5 forty yard dash.» This is much more specific and this will help you become a better football player fast.

The next thing I recommend you do is practice. Now you may have heard the saying practice makes perfect, but I don’t believe this saying is true. I believe perfect practice makes perfect. If you practice all the wrong things, chances are you probably won’t be very good. Find the right things to practice and practice them the right way.

The next thing I recommend you do is find your weaknesses and turn them into strengths. Remember that you are only as strong as your weakest link. Find out which areas you are struggling in and practice them the most. This does not mean to stop practicing the things you are good at, but try and practice the things that make you weak a little bit more.

These are just a few things you can do to become a better football player fast.

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How to Play Fantasy Football Confidence Pools

Maybe you’ve been playing fantasy sports for a while and you’ve been asked to play in your first Confidence Pool. Or perhaps you’re new to fantasy sport games entirely. In either case, a Confidence Pool is actually a pretty interesting way to bet on games. We say «bet» because you’re picking a team to win each of each week’s games, though you are not actually placing a wager.

The game is pretty simple. In a standard Confidence Pool, you’re asked to pick the winners of each NFL contest for the week (yep, all 16 games; less during bye weeks). Then you weight each pick with a number of confidence points between 1 and 16 (where higher is better). You can’t re-use a number, and you must use all numbers. When the team you picked to win actually wins, you get the points you assigned to that game.

Scoring and Payouts

So how do scoring and payouts work? Many pools will collect an entry fee. That fee is collected from all participants and dispersed in the form of weekly and/or season prizes. The weekly winner is the person whose coin flips yielded the most points from correct picks (as close to 136 points as possible). Those rankings are tabulated throughout the season to determine standings within your league. You can win one week to win money, and you can also win the aggregate scoring for the season.

This kind of award structure means that even rookie confidence poolboys can compete with experts. Even a novice who uses the «animal strategy» can pick the best during any given week. (The «animal strategy» is whereby you pick the winner as if it were a cage battle in the wilderness. For example, in a game pitting the Chicago Bears versus the Philadelphia Eagles, the Bears win every time. Of course, this strategy has a few pitfalls: see «Detroit Lions» or on the other end, «Arizona Cardinals.»)

Variable League Settings

A good fantasy sports site will allow pool commissioners to pick from a wide variety of customizable settings. We’ll address a few of the most common league options below. You will want to weigh the options and the cost amongst a few of the providers. There are some good websites out there that offer Free Confidence Pools. You just have to do a search for them.

Confidence Pools usually allow each team owner to discard a certain number of bad week’s worth of picks per season (say, your lowest 2 weeks out of the 16 weeks). These are often referred to as «Drop Weeks.» This feature allows you to forget about the week when you were heading out of town and didn’t read up, and it helps to brighten your spirits after an unusually bad week.

Another common option is to not rank weekly straight-up winners, but rather rank winners against the spread. This tougher option requires that if the Broncos – Raiders spread is 6 points (in favor of the Broncos in this case), you’d have to pick whether the Broncos will win by 6 or more, or win by less than 6. You’d then assign confidence points to that pick as you would a normal pool.

Finally, does your pool allow «autopicks» to be used when the owner does not make picks for the week? Autopicks allow the computer to use your default decision-making system, such as to pick all favorites, ranked in descending order by the point spread. If your pool closes the opportunity to make picks at the start of the first game and you are busy sleeping off your Saturday night’s drinks, at least you are playing that week.


If you’ve read this far, you deserve some advice on how to win your Confidence Pool. Beyond the obvious (which is to make sure to assign points according to your confidence), every confidence league player should be aware of the major factors that affect winning in the NFL: injuries, weather, home-field advantage, team matchups, and coaching matchups. Studying all of this information for every game can be tedious for the non-NFL-aholic, but there are many websites and experts that will offer predictions for each game. It’s worth checking with these websites if you don’t have time to do the research yourself.

Best of luck!

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How To Find Elusive Football Draws

The football draw game – hard to find them isn’t it? Eight of these are key to winning the UK treble chance football pool, but maybe you just want to find two or three for a specialised fixed odds bet, or a range of trebles, maybe in an Australian, German, Spanish or Italian league. Typically, on a league weekend in the UK football season and 49 matches on the coupon, there will be on average, 9 scoring football draws, and of these, many will have been predictable using a good forecasting system. No-score football draws average out at about 4-5 per week.

How do we find them?

Well, in the British league season, most teams play close to ‘form’, but Cup matches are more of a lottery when ‘giant killing’ happens fairly frequently, and are best avoided if you are serious about winning the football pools. So, to start, we only bet when the odds are optimal, and that means league games. In fact, we don’t bet when ‘form’ is likely to be compromised – e.g. on Boxing Day.

With a good football draw forecast system, you will be able to keep track of form and eliminate those matches which are certain home wins – there could be typically 22 home wins, many of which will have been easy to predict. As to away wins, these are harder to predict, and there will be, on average, 13-14 away wins on the coupon each week.

So, let’s say that we can predict 90% of the home wins – that’s roughly 19 matches, and maybe 50% of the away wins – that’s another 7 matches. So, out of the coupon as a whole, with a reliable forecasting system we can expect to predict 26 matches (homes and aways). That leaves 23 matches, from which we have to find 8 football draws.

Now, with a good plan or perm, which combines maybe 17 or 18 forecasts – some plans even give a coverage of 24 matches, then you can see that the odds of getting 8 football draws in a line are considerably enhanced. Sure, using a plan means that you sacrifice perfection to achieve greater coverage (after all there are 451 million ways of selecting 8 football draws from 49 matches). You probably will not hit the jackpot, but you will have more frequent wins of lower value, and should be able to move into profit.

So, you can see that an efficient football draw prediction system is essential.

What are the key aspects of a good football draw forecast system?

Well, besides knowing when to stake and when to avoid betting and throwing your money away, you have to be able to analyse form and come up with football draw predictions. When it comes to form, how far back should you go? How will a team which was promoted from the Championship perform in the Premier League (and vice versa?)

Use statistics selectively

My view is that the first few weeks of the season are when we don’t get a reliable picture of form across a league division, and it takes some weeks for the pattern to emerge. Some experts will look at long-term patterns and suggest that some teams are home win experts, some have a good (or a poor) away record. That can be useful in the final analysis, but I don’t factor such things in when looking for a football draw game. So, how far back should we look? Certainly not into last season – I work with less than half a dozen matches history (league games only).

Rate the teams

Then, you need to have a consistent way of rating a team’s performance – and that needs to take into account the strength of the opposition. This leaves you with a list of teams and performance ratings.

Now you need to look at the forthcoming matches and compare the teams’ ratings. Adjust for home advantage, and make any other adjustments you feel are appropriate (new player or manager, injury to a key player?). Then, organise the list in order by likely match outcome. At one end of the list will be most probable home wins. At the other end will be the most probable away wins. In the middle will be the juice – where we find the elusive football draw block.

Find the juice

Then, you take the middle chunk of matches and, depending on your budget, decide how many you will cover using your perm or plan. You could reasonably expect to win in those weeks with 11-14 football draws in the results.

If we can find 60% of the draws when there are 13 or 14 in the results, then we will have 8 – 9 draws. That’s when a good staking plan comes in, to maximise your chances of getting your football draws in one line.

It’s important to see that this is a percentage approach, and all you are seeking to do is get the odds on your side and find most of those elusive football draws. A few wins a season should put you into profit, and as always, the devil is in the detail!

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How to Catch a Football As a Wide Receiver

The most important skill for wide receivers to possess aside from confidence is knowing how to catch a football. Don’t not be mistaken, catching a football is not as easy as it may seem. If it were, there would be less defensive backs out there in the world of football – trust me.

Imagine, a bullet pass being thrown to you by Michael Vick at just a few yards out; Something «simple» suddenly becomes a bit more challenging and requires ample focus. If you aim to be an electrifying wide receivers with the ability to snag any ball out of the air on command, here are the fundamentals to catching a football you must first learn:

  1. Hand eye coordination
  2. Hand strength
  3. Focus
  4. Proper hand placement
  5. Tuck the ball in and protect it

Hand eye coordination is the foundation to learning how to catch a football and is simply the coordinated control of eye movement with hand movement, and the processing of visual input to guide reaching and grasping. In this case we’re working on hand eye coordination to reach and successfully catch a football. The better a wide receiver is at looking-in the football with hand eye coordination, the better their chances are to catch a football thrown to them.

Improving your hand eye coordination isn’t a complex task to conquer, but it does require ample focus which is the second key component to catching footballs. As we look back at the example of the bullet pass being thrown to you from a few yards out by Michael Vick, you should consider how focus will allow you to control your body and mind to focus on the football and see it into your hands. Your objective as a top wide receiver is to focus and lock your eyes on the football, take a deep breath and see the football into your hands. This step should be a constant with every ball thrown your way. Keep in mind you don’t want to attack the football. You want to absorb the football into your hands and away from your body followed by a tight squeeze, which leads me to the next important aspect of a wide receivers ability to catch a football; hand strength.

In organized football the velocity on the ball is much more intense than it would be as you play catch with friends. Moreover, defenses are much more aggressive. In order to compensate for this, you need strong hands. This can be the difference between catching a football to make an important completion and not. You won’t always be wide open on a route and you’ll rarely ever have a ball thrown to you half speed so you need to be prepared to squeeze the football after any and all passes you catch. This will increase your stats and avoid big drops when a defender lays a hit on you or swipes at your arms and hands after a catch.

Proper hand placement is another important factor in knowing how to catch a football. Luckily this is one of the easiest aspects to adapt to due to natural limb positioning. When a football is thrown directly at you at or above your chest, you want to form your hands into a diamond. When a ball is thrown directly at you anywhere below your chest, you want to position your hands with your thumbs facing up and your fingers angled low towards the ground. Another important hand positioning for a wide receiver where you’ll make the big game changing catches is when you’re catching the deep ball.

You’ll definitely want to incorporate every aspect of how to catch a football when the deep ball is thrown. When a deep ball is thrown over your shoulders you want to position your hands with your fingers spread wide open and the tips of your pinky-fingers overlapping. For the best grip on the ball when catching, aim to grab the end of the ball before the laces. This type of catch requires, strong hands, focus, and proper hand positioning even more so. Big plays equal big focus.

The last key to successfully catching a football is to tuck the football and protect it. After you have completed the steps mentioned above, the final step is to reel in the football and protect it. You don’t want to take all of the proper steps and forget this one. This step is the difference between a thirty yard gain and a fumble. So ALWAYS, always, always, tuck and protect the football after every football catch.

To get you started at improving your football catching ability, I’ve listed a couple good exercises for hand eye coordination and hand strength below. Once you have mastered all of the key components mentioned above, you are sure to be on your way to being a top wide receiver.

Tennis Ball Drill For Hand Eye Coordination:

With a tennis ball you can do several wide receiver drills to improve your hand eye coordination as a wide receiver. This is a great drill that has helped me improve my hand eye coordination substantially.

For beginners, lightly bounce the ball on the ground. As the ball bounces up, look the ball into your hands and squeeze it. Make sure to focus on the ball all the way from its decent to its rise into your hands. Make sure to practice this drill with both hands. One you’ve gotten the hang of this exercise, increase the level of difficulty by bounce the ball harder and at different angles. Also, try throwing the ball off of a wall, challenging yourself to catch the ball at different points in the air and before it hits the ground all while focusing on the ball from the time of your release all the way back into your hands. After successfully mastering this drill alone, I’m certain that you will have more than 80% of what it takes to know how to catch a football.

Tennis Ball Drill For Hand Strength:

The Tennis Ball Squeeze – Using a tennis ball, simply squeeze and hold for up to 90-seconds. Train both hands with three sets each. This movement heavily targets the forearms. This drill is important because after you catch a football you will be squeezing it so it doesn’t get away from you.

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Why Are Football Stadium Turnstiles Part Of Our Culture?

When you visit the various auction websites available across the UK, you will see a number or football league teams selling off their old turnstiles that have been part of their culture for the past 30 or 40 years. What you would choose to do with your turnstile once you got it home is highly debatable, so perhaps you will use it to replace your rear garden gate?

One of the main reasons that turnstiles from football stadiums are so popular is because millions of the U.K.’s citizens have been passing through those turnstiles 40 to 50 times a year to watch games home and away.

Can You Beat The Turnstiles?

Turnstiles have become part of folklore, because they can’t be beaten. You can only go through the turnstile when the operator lets you through. Some extremely small or slim people have always tried to go through with another person, but if they tell you they’ve succeeded, take the story with a pinch of salt.

The problem with turnstiles is more with larger people who may struggle to get through the small space. Football supporters used to claim that the turnstiles were so narrow, perhaps 3 feet wide, anyone hoping to include a pie of chips with a couple of cans before the game, might have difficulty negotiating the narrow width.

Obviously, the turnstiles of old were built to stop fans pushing through the without paying. In the old days, which were only 15 years ago, most people would pay for their ticket by cash. These days, the majority of supporters have either paid for their season ticket by credit card or purchased a ticket in advance, for away matches.

The Security Angle

From the football club’s point of view, turnstiles provide an excellent secure shutting down of passageways. They also form excellent checkpoints where, in conjunction with high security, people can be carefully policed into a football stadium, especially important considering the lessons learnt at the Hillsborough stadium in Sheffield in 1989.

You can see, what are commonly known as football turnstiles, in many other locations. Amusement parks use them as do many other sporting venues. However, people have written non-fiction books related just to their turnstile experiences over the last few decades and you can buy those books on the most popular websites.

People love and hate the turnstiles they’ve passed through time and time again at their local football club, and they’ve known individual turnstiles longer than their spouse and children. It’s no wonder they’re part of our everyday culture.

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What To Look For Before Buying Football

Everyone has heard about the game of football. It is widely played with full zeal in various countries. The game is full of excitement & pleasure. In this game, every team has eleven players on its side including the goalie. It gives tremendous pleasure to watch eleven players on each side, tussling with each other to score the goal.

The game involves tremendous physical agility. The players have to run and jump more than 90 minutes. Thus, we can say that this is certainly the tough game. The players of this game harbor tremendous stamina. Owing to this, they have the capability to play during the whole game.

In recent years, the craze for this game has grown up. Though this is considered as the men’s sports, yet it has huge female fans. They equally participate in the game. Not only they watch the game but also play this game with full zeal.

The integral part of this game is football. It is this for which eleven players on each side tussle with each other. Every sport has some prescribed guidelines. According to these guidelines, these balls are manufactured. The most important parameter associated with this is size. The official authority has pre-defined the sizes. For young ones, the smaller balls are widely used. For adults, the authority has prescribed different size.

How to purchase football?

This is definitely the most important question. The ball has to suffer the hardships, so it is very important that it should be developed from the premium quality material. In order to meet the requirements of the buyers, the football manufacturers are employing the premium quality material. The sports authority has also defined the specifications of the material to be used for manufacturing this. The footballs are basically developed using the synthetic rubber. This is basically the compound of hydrocarbon. The authority has restricted the use of leather as a material for covering as it becomes heavier when it gets wet.

So the football manufacturers are employing best quality material in order to provide durability & reliability. Another very important thing that one should consult from the seller before buying the football is about the material of the lining & bladder. The lining is basically the different layers of the rubber that are provided beneath the outer covering. This layer is of utmost importance as it provides the bounce to the ball. Be sure, that this layer is made up of excellent quality rubber in order to provide durability & reliability.

Another thing that provides durability to the football is the bladder. It retains the air, providing it proper shape along with durability. Thus, prior to buying the football, you should look for these parameters in order to get the full value of your money.

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The Allure of Texas High School Football

Even if you’ve never been to a Texas high school football game, you probably know that these games and the fans who follow them are somewhat different than other high school football games and fans. In Texas, football isn’t a sport and it isn’t an extra-curricular activity. No, it’s almost been elevated to the level of a religion. To say that Texas high school football fans are passionate about the spot would be an understatement; a huge understatement.

Friday Night Lights may have been first a popular book and then a film but it all started with the true story of one season with the Odessa Permian Panthers. Hollywood didn’t need to pump up the real life story of this Texas high school team with fabrication; the real story was already enough of a legend to carry it all the way to the silver screen.

If you think you know high school football, you haven’t seen anything until you’ve seen it from the Lone Star State. Even the smaller schools really get involved. It’s not uncommon to see entire caravans traveling the Texas highways on Friday nights; the football team, drill team, cheerleaders, marching band and sponsor. All of that can easily require a dozen buses or so. And that’s not even including the hordes of parents and fans that travel right along with them. In relatively few other events will you see devoted fans travel hundreds of miles for a playoff game; and keep in mind that in Texas that’s entirely possible. The border from east to west stretches almost one thousand miles.

So, what is it exactly about Texas high school football in particular that seems to appeal to such a mass audience? While there may be no definitive answer for that question, there is definitely one certainty: nothing else on earth has quite the same intensity and passion to it. You can feel it reverberating in the air when you step into any high school football stadium throughout the state.

High school football fans in Texas are not just passionate about football; they live it and breathe it. On any given Friday night during football season in Texas you’re likely to see just about as much violence in the stands as you are on the turf if one fan happens to aggravate another.

And that’s not even mentioning the rivalry that can take place between teams in Texas. While it’s not uncommon at all for neighboring towns throughout the country to form high school football rivalries, Texans take it to a whole new level. In many cases, extra policeman have to be called out during big rival games just to keep the peace among the crowd. In a few instances, some towns had to stop even playing one another at all because of the violence that ensued between fans in the stands and on the sidelines during rival games.

The exact allure of Texas high school football may be somewhat difficult to describe, but one thing is certain: you feel it when you experience it.

If the rest of the world loves soccer, Texans love football.

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What the Australian Football Devotee Watched at a Game

Australian football to the newcomer is a mystery because it is so different to every other football code. There is no offside and the players from both sides are spread all over the oval shaped ground.

The average person with some helpful advice can come to understand the main aims of the game and the great skills of kicking, high marking, handball and other skills. The devotee of my game watches many other parts to the game as well. This is the substance of this article.

When I grew up, other football code followers called our national game «Aerial Ping Pong» mainly because of the great amount of kicking and little vigorous tackling. Today the game is full of vigorous tacking from 360 degrees and has become extremely quick with constant running by all players.

Devotees of the game will tell you that to appreciate the game more fully; you need to position yourself opposite the centre circle at least half way up in a grandstand. There you can see the movement of players, the high marks and great tackling.

There is much to watch to keep you interested in the game from the first bounce to the final siren.

Firstly, there are the physical clashes which involve tackling, bumping and shepherding often followed by second and third efforts to gain the football.

Then you will be thrilled with the spectacular high marking with defensive players attempting to spoil these marks. Often, the player marking the ball will get a «ride» upon the shoulders of a defending player to take what is called a «Specky»

Next, you will be amazed at the speed of the game. You’ll see players running from one end of the field to the other. Players will run with the ball into the wide open spaces bouncing the ball in front of them every fifteen metres until they see a target player to whom they can kick or handball.

Sitting high in the stand allows you to see not only the movement of the ball but you can see the way players run to receive the football further down the ground.

If you are not impressed already, just admire the players’ skill in handballing and kicking. Players now use the handball as an attacking weapon more and more with handballs going 30 metres forward to an attacking player running into space.

The other great skill is to be able to kick the football over fifty metres with great accuracy. If that is not enough, the variety of kicking styles players use to kick goals from the boundary line will astound the new spectator. Then there is the goal often scored on the run from more than fifty metres that brings the crowd to their feet. It is even more exciting when the player kicks a long torpedo punt after the siren to kick the winning goal.

As a devotee to the game, you also watch how the coach changes tactics during the game and how he moves players around the ground to lift the team’s effort or to reduce the effectiveness of opposition players. The game can go through many sequences where each team gets a «run-on», kicking several goals in a row before the opposition can regain control. So the devotee will always feel his team is in the contest.

If you haven’t see a game of our national football code live, and you would like to do that, find a devotee to sit with at a ground like the M. C. G.; the Adelaide Oval or the «Gabba». That’s the best way to gain an appreciation of our great national game of football.

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