Thanksgiving Football

Fun and games are always an inevitable part of entertainment for the young and the old alike. People in America celebrate this festival of charitable giving through their avid participation in the game of football that brings in waves of sheer joy and pleasure in the hearts of multitudes of fanatic football fans who are driven mad by football mania during this festive season. Over the years, football has become synonymous with this joyous festival of Thanksgiving.

Many interesting traditions permeate deep into the festival of Thanksgiving such as the game of football compliments this festival of merrymaking. Professional football was the last of the contemporary trends of celebrating the spirit of Thanksgiving. In 1874, eleven years after Lincoln’s proclamation, the first intercollegiate football game was played. Two year later the Intercollegiate Football Association was formed in the northeast, which instituted a championship game principally to amuse the people on Thanksgiving Day. Every year, strong competitors like Princeton and Yale would vie with each other to bag the most coveted winner’s trophy. Players, students and fans would wear their school colors as a mark of representation with banners flying high from carriages, hotels and business establishments of New York City. On Thanksgiving Day church services would wind up early to accommodate the fans, with the game kicking off the season of festivity for the social elite in New York. It had gained such popularity that soon by mid-1890s, 1,20,000 athletes from colleges, clubs and high schools partook in 5,000 Thanksgiving Day football games across the nation.

The custom of watching a match of football on Thanksgiving Day has evolved during the early decades of twentieth century. As football paved its way into the heart of the people winning hearts of millions, giving it a huge popularity as early as 1920s and 1930s and earning itself the much prestigious position that it enjoys at present, many people began to visit the football stadium to watch the same. Renowned teams playing for the world famous football league of America eventually established the tradition of playing nationally televised games on Thanksgiving afternoon. Besides the conventional competition organized by the nationally recognized football league in America, many high schools and colleges also organize «Turkey Day» football games over Thanksgiving weekend, often between regional or historic rival. However, Thanksgiving football played in schools and colleges of America, has now more or less faded into oblivion in most sections of the country with it being kept alive only in two franchise cities of this globally recognized football league of America, namely Detroit and Dallas, where Thanksgiving football is very much a way of life.

Thanksgiving football more often than not is associated with the team of Lions and a tradition that has been popular since 1934 in the city of Detroit. The game has been the idea of G.A. Richards, the first owner of the team with ferocious lion like quality players comprising the team. In fact four generations of Detroiters have been a proud part of the American celebration of Thanksgiving. Some 71 years later, fans residing in the state of Michigan have transformed a local event into an annual holiday event, giving it the shape of single greatest tradition in the history of American professional team sports. In fact no other team in professional sports can claim to be so much a part of an American holiday as that team with ferocious lion like players’ team with Thanksgiving. This team has hosted a game every Thanksgiving Day since 1934, with the exception of 1939-1944 due to World War II. The Dallas have also hosted football matches every Thanksgiving Day since 1966.

We thus find that it all saw its genesis in 1934 when a local radio executive, G.A. Richards, had purchased the Portsmouth (Ohio) Spartans and moved the team to Detroit, the Motor City. The Lions being nouveau arrive in town had taken a backseat to the Baseball Tigers in the sport pages. Richards had practical reasons for scheduling the game on Thanksgiving Day as he was also wise enough to figure out that the best way to give publicity to the team would be opting for the Thanksgiving Day contest for attracting the Motor City fans during the teams’ first season. The fierce clash between the Lions and the invincible World Champion, meaning the robust Bears of Chicago proved to be an all time classic. The Lions were exceptionally good with eight wins backing them, leading them to their entry alongside the Bears with a 10-1 record. But Chicago had even a better record holding a commanding position with 11 straight wins. The match then reached an interesting phase where a win in the sole fateful game would ensure whether the Lions will get the first-place tie with the Bears. Two weeks in advance of that fateful match, 26,000 tickets were sold out for the «Turkey Day» clash in the University of Detroit Stadium. Richards was not disheartened over the last two losses rather pretty content the way his team performed in its very first year. His faith and confidence in the team was well rewarded when Lions won the 1935 America’s popular football league Championship. The final match was scheduled on Thanksgiving Day when the Lions defeated the Bears 14-2 to bag the west Championship trophy. Radio with its huge publicity potential was used as a bait to capture the audience. Richards along with the nationally recognized broadcasting radio company, set up a 94-station network to broadcast the Lions-Bears showdown. Since then the league conventionally schedules two nationally televised games on Thanksgiving, usually featuring the famous football players of Dallas, one of the most successful and popular franchises in the sport and the players of Detroit, one of the least successful.

2006 will be the 87th season of globally acclaimed American football and is presumed to run from September 7 to New Year’s Eve, December 31. Three games have been ideally scheduled to be played on Thanksgiving Day. In addition to the traditional annual game between the world renowned American football players of Detroit and Dallas home games during that day, the Kansas City Chiefs who hosted games during their days in the football league of America, will relive that tradition in 2006 by hosting the players of Denver on Thanksgiving. All these games are scheduled to be broadcast in prime time.

Friends and family all over America usually prefer to huddle around their radio or TV sets to catch the live telecast of the match while munching on the special dishes prepared to commemorate Thanksgiving. Thus each Thanksgiving would actually revive the old, classic tradition of enjoying a match of football as a part of the celebration. Over decades, football and Thanksgiving has established a strong bond, leading to a high adrenaline rush.

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Defenders Shooting Your Gaps? How to Solve That Problem in Youth Football

Some youth football coaches fear that by pulling their linemen, they will leave big gaps in their offensive line that can easily be filled by defenders and cause negative yardage football plays. On the face, that argument may have merit, but when you look at the details it just doesn’t if you use a few very simple techniques.If your offensive line has splits that are like you see from Texas Tech on TV, 2-3 yards, pulling would open up huge gaps in your line. However, in my offense our linemen are foot to foot. There are no splits and with shoulder width stances and the gap left by a pulling youth football lineman is 1 yard or less.

The defenders do not know the snap count, so any offensive lineman has an advantage over the defense as far as getting a head start on the snap. We also have all of our offensive linemen with the exception of the center, off of the line of scrimmage. This allows them to pull much easier and allows our other offensive lineman to easily cut off any penetration by any defender by taking a simple short step to the inside, something we rep every day in football practice with our linemen. Since our backs also know the count and the defenders don’t, our backs are usually long gone by the time a blitzing defender gets into our backfield. In fact, despite playing against every standard and junk-yard defense known to man in the last 6 seasons, our first team offense has had just one negative yardage play.

Even if there is a defender right over your pulling linemen, a very simple blocking rule like GOD; inside gap, on, down will put another offensive lineman on the defender covering your pulling player. If a defense decides to cover everyone on your offensive line or go to a GAM type defense, then don’t pull. There would not be a defender to block if your puller made it to the point of attack anyway with those defenses. If a defense blitzes a linebacker he is most often on or close enough to the line of scrimmage to be blocked by the rule or legally cut or crab blocked. If the blitzer comes from a spot off the line of scrimmage there is no way he will be quick enough to make the play, unless he is a Lawrence Taylor clone. We love it when our opponents play those type of defenses, we don’t have to bother with pulling, will still have a double team at the point of attack and will block the unblocked defensive lineman with a kick-out block by one of our backs.

If you have an extremely slow and unatheletic lineman that has problems covering gaps for pulling linemen, have them make a simple but effective crab block. See the posts on crab blocking for more details on that here in the tips section. Gaps left by pulling linemen are not a problem in youth football if your team uses the above techniques.

150 Free Youth Football Coaching Tips Here: Youth Football

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Muscles Used in Throwing a Football – Lower Body More Important Than Upper Body

There is a myth in football training, especially among younger athletes, in regards to where the power comes from when throwing a football. Many mistakenly believe that the upper body muscles, those of the shoulders and arm, are the primary muscles used in making a deep, powerful, accurate throw. However, nothing could be further from the truth, as the most powerful quarterbacks in the NFL and college football utilize their lower bodies to become stronger when throwing.

The first muscle group that young players need to be aware of is their thigh muscles. These include the quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors, and abductors, among many others. The calves should not be ignored, either, but the upper thigh muscles are the most important. These muscles are used to plant the foot in the ground and establish a strong base of support for the throw. Force is typically put into the ground to generate a throw, and the leg muscles are what put that force into the ground to begin with. Without strong leg muscles, that force can not be generated.

Once the front foot is planted, the next muscle group involved is the hips. The glutes, primarily the gluteus maximus and the gluteus medius, are used to generate the twisting motion that creates the power to throw the football. The hips are the most dense area of muscle in the body, and can generate tremendous amounts of force, as can easily be seen with world-class sprinters who have extremely developed hip muscles. Football quarterbacks also need that development in order to make a long, powerful throw.

The final area of musculature that young football players must take into consideration is the abdominals. The abdominal muscles are made up primarily of the rectus abdominis, which are located on the front of the body; the obliques, which are located on the sides of the torso; and the transversus abdominis, which crisscross the torso in a diagonal fashion. These muscles are not used to generate force so much as to transfer it, and transfer it mostly in a diagonal manner. This can be seen when a quarterback puts his left foot forward before throwing with his right hand. The legs and hips generate the force, which is transferred through the abdomen and into the chest, shoulder, and arm.

It is the abs that complete the chain from the lower to upper body and make for a powerful throw of the football. Unfortunately, many football strength and conditioning programs spend far too much time focusing on the chest and triceps, in particular. While these muscles are important when throwing, they are used mostly for stability and accuracy, rather than power and speed. A throw that is accurate, stable, and slow is more likely to be intercepted than one that is powerful, accurate, stable, and fast.

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8 Things Football Officials Should Do to Move Up the Officiating Ranks

Many officials, especially younger officials, start officiating football and want to someday make it to a power 5 college conference or the NFL to officiate. However, when they are starting, they are most likely officiating pee-wee or high school football and have many years and promotions until they get a chance to be on a big stage like that. Here are 8 things football officials can do to help move up the officiating ranks.

1. Prepare for everything well.

If you want to move up, you need to show fellow officials you care about what you are doing. If other officials see the work you are putting in, they are more likely to speak highly of you to supervisors, opening up new doors for you.

2. Perform well.

This should be somewhat obvious, but officials need to do their job well. Every football official will make mistakes, but try to make sure you are getting the easy calls. Missing a judgment call is one thing, but missing a simple call is harder for supervisors to look beyond to see your positives.

3. Get to know others and network.

Networking isn’t just for the business world! If you are a football official looking to move up, the more people who know you, and think highly of you, the better. Many officials who have been officiating for longer times may have relationships with supervisors where they will recommend you for a promotion.

4. Get in contact with supervisors.

If you ever want to move up to a higher level of officiating, Supervisors are who will give you that opportunity. Make sure to introduce yourself and try to let them get to know you.

5. Go to clinics.

Not only are clinics great places to learn new skills to help you become a better official, they are also prime networking spots. Use these clinics as places to show your skill and introduce yourself to supervisors in person.

6. Practice and Improve.

Listen to what other officials tell you and what you are learning at clinics. This is how you improve. After you take that new knowledge in, practice it. Then it will come naturally for you on the field.

7. Take as many opportunities as you can.

There are times you may get offered to work a game at a higher level, even on the day of the game. Capitalize on that opportunity and accept it and perform well. This will impress crew mates and supervisors letting them know you are ready for that level of football.

8. Keep track of what you do.

Keep a list of the games you officiate. Sometimes supervisors want to see what you have officiated and it is easiest to give them a list. It also shows you were prepared for this and want to move up.

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I Love NFL Football! Let Me Count The Ways

As far as I’m concerned, there are two seasons in America (who cares what the weatherman says!). There’s Football Season and the Offseason. Then there’s everything else in between.

Why do I say such a ridiculous thing?

Because I»m a Diehard Football fan!

Heck, I love it all–as long as it involves an oblong shaped ball, is played on a field 120 yards long, and involves Blocking and Tackling–I’m all for it.

But as long as I live, there will never be any game as exciting and majestic as NFL Football. There’s a reason The National Football League is the most popular sport in the USA. Because it’s the best!

But I know: you want to be convinced.

Fine. I’ll convince you with three reasons.

1) Football conforms to our lifestyle. Don’t misunderstand me-I like other sports too. But have you ever been watching a baseball or basketball game that began at 10 o’clock at night? Look, I enjoy competition as much as the next guy but I gotta go to work in the morning!

And I know Prime Time Football can run late too (for those of us on the East Coast), but at least the majority of games are played on Sunday. And that’s key, because most folks are off from school and work on Sundays. Big Win in my book.

2) The NFL showcases The Game at its highest level. Look, I know that there are plenty of people that’ll argue me down about Pro being better than College (yes, that’s an argument for another time). And that’s fine.

But no one can tell me that there are finer feats of athleticism on display every week than on The Football Field. The amazing catches, the bone crushing hits, and the razor thin plays on Offense, Defense, and Special Teams of all kinds.

I have no idea how Officials can get most of their calls right in real time. Even in the super-duper slow mo replays, it’s hard to tell if a Player’s toes touch the white stripe or not.

How can you not appreciate that athleticism?

3) Each game is so important. The weekly buildup to Sunday is an amazing crescendo to Kickoff. And whether you’re talking about Week 4 or Week 14, each game feels like a must Win affair.

Just think, when your favorite team drops 4 in a row, that means they haven’t Won in a month! And because there are so few games played, the importance and magnitude of that week’s ballgame is larger than life.

Okay, maybe it just feels that way to me.

And that’s the beauty of it. There’s truly nothing in all the world like football.

Don’t you agree?

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How To Play Fantasy Football Squares Pools

Whether it is the Super Bowl or any other game that is being played while you are hosting a group of people, the desire to have some sort of contest is always a tempting way to add a little excitement to the party. With the help of MFS Squares Pools, you will be able to make the game a little bit more interesting. So, what is a Squares pool and how do you get involved in one?

Squares pools are commonly played during the Super Bowl, but could be played during any football game. Squares pools are played on a 10×10 grid, yielding 100 squares, in which each row and column has their own number, ranging from 0 to 9. Each square is purchased by a pool member by placing their name in the square while it is empty and unclaimed.

Literally, anyone can play and get involved in free Squares pools, even if you aren’t a fan of the NFL or you have a limited knowledge of how games are played. When you are taking part in Squares pool, you commonly aren’t limited to just one square, though there will more than likely be a limit on the amount that you can purchase.

On the 10×10 grid that the pool takes place on, the top row of numbers are what represents one of the teams playing and the side row represents the other team that is involved in the game. The teams and numbers aren’t actually placed on the grid until it has been filled or the NFL game begins. The commissioner may trigger the random assignment of teams and numbers on his own. The commissioner does not want the responsibility, the teams and numbers are randomly assigned by MFS. This is done as a means of keeping the game fair and providing absolutely no advantage to any squares.

Most importantly; how do the payouts work?! The most common payouts occur at the end of each quarter. At the end of each quarter, the last digit of both NFL teams’ scores are taken and used as grid references in order to determine a winner. So, if at the end of the first quarter, the Chicago Bears have 10 and the Indianapolis Colts have 3. You would then find the winning square by looking for 0 on the vertical scale (where the Bears were assigned) and 3 on the horizontal scale (location of the Colts). Where these two numbers intersect on the grid is the winning square. You would continue this for the remaining three quarters, and possibly overtime, if a separate payout is configured.

Free Squares pools are a fun and interactive way of getting involved in the game, whether it is Monday Night football, a rivalry game, or the Super Bowl. Guests who aren’t overly interested in the game will get excited at the prospect of winning money which will make them want to watch the game.

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Picking a 2010 Fantasy Football Magazine

For many of us the arriving of Fantasy Football season is the closest thing we get to the feeling we got as a kid around Christmas time. For me it hits the first time I see a Fantasy Football magazine on a grocery store shelf. In this day and age most of the info contained in the magazines is available online at numerous fantasy football sites. Yet, there is still something tactile and wonderful about a fantasy football magazine. It goes everywhere with me, I highlight it, I read it cover to cover multiple times I consume them completely. The arrival of the first magazine of the season begins the ever escalating anticipation that builds and builds until it peaks for the first time at the fantasy football auction or draft and then again for the 1st week of the regular season and then yet again each Sunday for the next 4 months. God help me I love Fantasy Football and it all starts with that first magazine sighting at the grocery store.

So what makes a good fantasy football publication? Content, content and more content is ultimately what you are after. Some slick pictures and graphics do help add sizzle to the steak but the key really is great writing and lots of data. A few magazines marry all those attributes quite well. My go to magazine for the past few years has been Fanball. They do I nice job with balancing humor and content. They do OK in the graphics department, other magazines do graphics better but then tend to fall a little short on content. I think ESPN’s offering is an example of this it looks slick but comes up a little light on material. Three others that really deliver the goods are Rotowire, Football Guys and Fantasy Football Index. I would recommend any of those.

One of the key things you want to check before you plunk down your $8.95 is if the info they give is relative to your specific league size and rules. There are a lot of modifications to consider, is your league auction or draft, 10 team, 12 team or greater, do you play PPR, do you play IDP, do you have team QB, is it a dynasty league? You need to make sure the magazine caters to your specific league setting otherwise the information could be irrelevant to you and your league.

What is really important and I have written about this before is if your doing an auction (which you should be) making sure you are aware what the auction values in the magazine are based on. Many publications do not spell this out. You need to know what league size the amounts are based on and what is the starting $ amount for the auction. You can recalibrate the numbers to meet your league’s settings as long as you know what the magazine’s numbers are based. But if they don’t tell you the league size or starting amounts then you have no way of knowing if those numbers are accurate for your league.

I would recommend allotting plenty of time to review each magazine before you buy. If you are at a grocery store with the kids you might just have to grab and go. But if you are by yourself hit the magazine isle before you go load up on cold and frozen items. Don’t feel awkward about standing in the same isle for 20 minutes it is important you get this right. So take your time and pick out the right magazine for you and your league’s rules and then sit back, enjoy and soak it all in. Good luck to your fantasy football team in 2010.

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2015 Fantasy Football Sleepers

One of the keys to winning your fantasy football league is the ability to draft Sleepers. «Sleepers» are NFL players who are drafted in much lower rounds in your fantasy football drafts than their ending statistics warrant. In shopping terms, this is like getting a 22oz bottle of Not Your Father’s Root Beer (the 19.9% version… mmmmm, mmmm) for A&W prices. In the full-season fantasy football world, this is the avenue to the league championship. We have seen championships won on the heels of Sleepers every year. They have come out of nowhere to register monster years after being double-digit or waiver wire picks. When you can grab a player at the end of your draft that becomes your number 1 producer at a certain position, you, my friends, have a true Sleeper. Below are a few projected fantasy football sleepers by position for the 2015 season.

2015 Fantasy Football Sleepers

QB: Teddy Bridgewater (Minnesota) – Teddy took over the reins from Matt Cassel in Minny in Week 4 in 2014 and never looked back. He was poised, confident and productive and he is back in 2015 as the opening game starter with experience and new toys. He had a trio of running backs to hand the ball off to last year but none of them were named Adrian Peterson. One might think that the Vikings will run Peterson into the ground since he has fresh legs, which they may, but having him in the backfield will open up the passing game far more than last year’s timeshare did. The Vikings also upgraded at WR by swapping out aging Greg Jennings and adding field-stretcher Mike Wallace. On top of that, the Vikings will have a healthy TE Kyle Rudolph to add to the mix. Teddy is being drafted in double digit rounds as a QB2 but there is no reason not to believe that you won’t find more games than not that you will want to start him.

Also consider: Derek Carr (Oakland), Ryan Fitzpatrick (Buffalo)

RB: Joseph Randle (Dallas) – Though owner Jerry Jones is an idiot, there is no way that he lets DeMarco Murray go and is satisfied with bringing in RB Darren McFadden to replace him unless he was confident on his backup RBs from 2014. I believe the McFadden move was a sympathy move from a fellow Razorback alumnus as McFadden has been a true bust since he was drafted by Oakland in 2008, though injuries are the main reason why. He was very talented in college but one has to wonder how much of a toll his slew of injuries has taken on his speed. With McFadden already battling hamstring injuries, Randle is strengthening his position as the opening game starter as Dallas realizes that McFadden is as far from a reliable workhorse back as I am. Randle is only 23 years old and has a great combination of size and speed. Even if Randle starts the season off with a mere 15 carries a game, I expect good things as I could probably get 100 yards per game behind that massive Cowboys offensive line.

Also consider: David Cobb (Tennessee), David Johnson (Arizona)

WR: Nick Toon (New Orleans) – We featured Brandin Cooks from the Saints in the spot last season and he made us look smart… until he was lost to injury. He is back this season and healthy but the Saints have rebuilt their offense and, in the process, lost TE Jimmy Graham and WR Kenny Stills. With WR Marques Colston getting older, Cooks is going to need a running mate and we expect Toon to be that mate. He is entering his third year in the league and seemed to get in tune with QB Drew Brees towards the end of 2014 when he pulled in 17 of his career 23 catches in the final 6 games of the season. Even though the Saints began to rely more on the running game last season, there is no way that they don’t keep Brees’ throwing arm active and we see Toon MUCH more involved than he ever has been in the past. You should be able to grab him with your last WR selection and not risk much for huge upside making him a massive fantasy football Sleeper.

Also consider: Allen Robinson (Jacksonville), Davante Adams (Green Bay)

TE: Austin Seferian-Jenkins (Tampa Bay) – Jenkins was thought highly of going into his 2014 rookie season, but he limped through the season with foot, ankle and back issues and made little impact. He comes into 2015 healthy and with a rookie QB, which is often good for a pass-catching tight end as a rookie QB often checks down quickly and finds his TE when the pass rush gets close. At 6’6″ 262lbs, Jenkins will be easy for QB Jameis Winston to find on the field. The Bucs did add new offensive coordinator Dirk Koetter this season from Atlanta. Atlanta put the ball in the air more than all but two teams last season so there should be plenty of opportunities to get that ball in Austin’s big hands in Tampa.

Also consider: Rob Housler (Cleveland), Josh Hill (New Orleans)

K: Connor Barth (Denver) – Barth came aboard in 2014 after the Broncos kicked Brandon McManus to the curb and promptly hit 15 of 16 field goal attempts and all of his extra points. Barth didn’t line up for any real long field goal attempts but had proven the strength of his leg over his four seasons in Tampa so I would expect to see those opportunities present themselves in Denver’s thin air this season. Denver’s offense may not be the powerhouse this season that it has been since QB Peyton Manning joined the team, but they will provide Barth with more than ample opportunities for him to compete for the league scoring title.

Also consider: Greg Zuerlein (St. Louis), Blair Walsh (Minnesota)

D: Miami Dolphins – The Dolphins were slightly above average last season with DEs Cameron Wake and Olivier Vernon wreaking a bit of havoc. In the off-season, the Fins added Ndamukong Suh and now this defensive line is one of the top 2 or 3 units in the league. With the added pressure, you can also expect a rise in fumbles and interceptions. Expect the defense to really rack up the points in the first half of the season as no opponent has an offense that is scary expect for one game in Foxboro and, truthfully, I am expecting the Patriots to step down a notch this year.

Also consider: New York Jets, Minnesota

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Indianapolis Semi-Pro Football Team Wins National Championship

The Hoosier Hurricanes invaded Homestead, Florida for last weekend’s 4th annual Minor League Football News (MLFN) Super Football Weekend strong winded and left with reign.

In a game dominated by defense, the Hurricanes hammered the Carolina Express 41-0 to win MLFN’s AA National Championship.

«To reach this point so quickly is incredible,» said Hurricanes head coach John Starlin. «I really feel like a proud father to all of those guys.»

While the ‘Canes’ offense was strong, the play of their defense was dominant. The ‘Canes forced eight turnovers and controlled the Express’ offense, which towered over them in size and power. Early in the contest, it looked like the Express were going to use their Power I offensive attack to run right down the throat of the ‘Canes’ defense. When the Express were forced to throw, however, the speedy Hurricane secondary was able to take the game away. The first of four Express interceptions was thrown on that opening drive, and the Hurricanes never looked back.

«They were a tough team to scout, but I really think they underestimated our speed,» said Starlin. «Other coaches from their league were able to help me out as far as scouting, but I knew as solid as our defense was that we could play with anybody.»

Staying with the defensive theme of the game, linebacker Deon Smith was awarded the game’s MVP for his 12 tackle performance. He also intercepted a pass and forced a fumble.

The AA national title was the perfect end to a season that was already storybook for the Indianapolis squad, founded by co-owners Starlin, David Day, and NFL wide receiver Reggie Wayne. In their first year of existence, the Hurricanes were awarded Best New Team in the Midwest by MLFN after finishing 13-1 in the Ohio Valley Football League (OVFL). Their OVFL season finished with a Super Bowl victory over the Charlotte (MI) Roughriders, 21-0.

«This has really been a dream season for us,» said Starlin.

Starlin’s players have also won numerous accolades from MLFN. Four ‘Canes were honored with Midwest All-American status: Derrick Ellis was an honorable mention Midwest All-American at running back, wide receiver Scott Penick made second team Midwest All-American, and Corey Crumpton and Charles Avant were first and second team at defensive back, respectively.

Ellis, a former «Mr. Indiana» while playing running back in high school, was also named Running Back of the Year in the Midwest Region by MLFN.

The Hurricanes will return to the OVFL next season and compete to become the first ever back-to-back champion in league history, a feat no team has accomplished in 40 years of competition.

«We are trying to develop something special here,» said Starlin.

It certainly looks like the Hurricanes are off to a roaring start.

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How To Train Football Players And Using The Right Equipment

When training football players to become proficient and successful, it is necessary for coaches to use a variety of football training equipment. Players must be trained to prepare their bodies for the challenges on the field. There are many different positions on the field and a coach must be prepared for the seasons with the correct equipment at the best prices. Every position requires a different skill set which requires specific football equipment and by identifying the most important pieces of equipment for each position, a coach can increase their chances of fostering a better practice time and maximizing player ability.

Whether you will be playing offense or defense, the harder you train the better the results on the field. Training hard does not just entail constant and arduous scrimmaging. Exercising requires finding the proper football training equipment to prepare you and your team for a peak performance well into the depths of the fourth quarter.

Now, what is some of best football training equipment that will help you keep the body of your players ready for their challenges? In this article, we will list some of what is necessary to put together a winning team. Here you will find the equipment your team needs to acquire. When practicing for the game, it is always helpful to simulate real game situations. We will be discussing some of the football training equipment needed to accomplish this tough feat.

During practice, some good equipment to use is football cones, hurdles, and agility ladders. This equipment is great for training multiple lateral movements. Speed players need to be agile and capable of hurdling opponents. Players run through agility ladders and over hurdles to learn how to increase speed while high stepping and keeping their legs moving forward. These abilities are necessary for building successful players and an accomplished team.

Football is a game of acceleration, and a team that gains 5 yards a down will always score. Speed parachutes and speed sleds help strengthen player’s legs and increase their acceleration.

Dummies and sleds are good equipment for strength training for offensive and defensive players. Dummies can be used for many types of drills, and they come in many different shapes and colors. When the dummy is attached to a blocking sled they can be used in blocking drills and tackling drills. You can also use dummies to practice angled run blocking and driving dummies backward to open holes for runners. For practicing tackling a coach can hold a handheld dummy or you can use a pop-up dummy.

Lineman chutes are good for training players on how to stay low and keep proper head position and body form when blocking and tackling.

Kicking cages are also a good training device to help place kickers to kick long field goals.

Football players need to be trained properly in order for a coach to have success on the field. This equipment will simulate the proper situation for the desired performance in the players. Dummies, Sleds, Lineman chutes, kicking cages, agility ladders, parachutes, and speed sleds are all vital to a winning football team.

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