Spread Offense For Football – 5 Wide Attack Offense

The football spread offense has become one of the most popular high school and college plays in today’s football. Here is an article about a new type of spread offense.

The football spread offense lets you be more aggressive on offense. You can win football games using the spread offense even if your opponent has better talent.

I talked with former a former NFL player and Head Football Coach Bill Renner and he are some of his ideas about the Spread Offense for Football.

«Establish a Beach head» Once we determine which assault method, run or pass, is the most effective versus our opponent, we will use this as the primary means to attack them 80% of the time. The other 20% of the time we will mix in one of the other attack methods. We want to have two means of attack to not allow the defense to hone in on our primary method and adjust to it. At the same time, we want to consider taking what the defense is permitting us either run or pass. Both systems, run and pass, need to be simple yet provide you with the answers to whatever the defense shows you.

«One Bit of Territory at a Time» – Do not try to beat the opponent in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd quarter, beat them gradually, control them. We want to have an offensive attack that they cannot stop from the 1st quarter through the 4th quarter and play all offensive situations the same, aggressive and attacking. We do not change offenses for down-distance, being ahead, being behind, goal line/short yardage, last play, two-minute, etc. The 5 Wide Attack Spread Offense works for all situations and allows us to keep taking territory, little by little. We ALWAYS remember that no amount of points are ever enough for them or us!

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Football – Losing Its Sporting Spirit?

There is something about association football that is very appealing. The game is played by over 250 million players in over 200 nations and has the highest television audience in sport. What is it that makes football so popular? Has it still got its sporting spirit?

Unfair play

I’m familiar with football in England both on television and from the stands.

Some maintain that unfair play is spoiling the game. Pundits speak of the so-called ‘tactical foul’ as if it were acceptable. As if taking an unfair advantage is okay. Yet, doesn’t cheating undermine fair play?

We hear of the ‘professional foul’ as when it is said with approval ‘He took one for the team’ for an unfair advantage perhaps stopping a dangerous attack on goal. His offence resulted in a yellow card from the referee.

Likewise, ‘diving’ can be blatant. More difficult to referee is the player who goes down unnecessarily when there is any sort of physical contact with the tackler. This is more common. When a player is apparently injured only to get up a bit later and immediately run at full pelt up the field, fans get very indignant. This is because feigning injury occurs in order to cause a stop in play and give team mates a breather or encourages the referee to blandish a red card sending off the opposing player from the field.

Some argue an attitude of ‘winning at all costs’ sometimes develops and this is killing the spirit of the game e.g. hand-balling the ball into the net. Better to enjoy football for its own sake rather than believing that the only thing that matters is whether we win or lose.

Being a bad loser damages sporting spirit

It’s good to see opposing players and coaches shake hands after a game with both teams congratulating the other for their efforts. Likewise, the crowd claps when a player kicks the ball out of play if a player on the opposing side is hurt so he can get help.

However, bad losers come up with petty complaints about all sorts of things. When winning at all costs rules our hearts, then we will feel really fed up after a loss. Disgruntled with the referee, the substitutions, the bad luck.

But maybe the opposing team deserved to win in all honesty. They didn’t cheat but showed good skill and effort. How many times have you accepted ‘Yes we were we out-played, out-thought, out-run and out-fought: the better team won.’ Everyone is drawn to those who seem honest and fair. Even children know what fairness is and are most upset when cheating takes place.

Verbal abuse in football

Football is only a game. But being hidden in a crowd some individuals want to be verbally abusive. They openly express hostility directed at players of the opposing team, the match officials, or people of a different race to their own. Some fans have been known even to abuse their own players who have made mistakes.

Even in the amateur game, abuse directed at the referee can continue from some players, coaches and fans. Some parents have been heard to scream at and curse referees in front of their own children. Sadly, football culture has its vicious side now.

Loss of community sporting spirit

Being part of a stadium crowd can be a wonderful experience. Just being there, and part of the drama and spirit of the game with its thrills and unpredictability is a huge part of the fun. Living the 90 minutes with its ups and downs and fulfillments and disappointments.

Yet, with no live football on English terrestrial television, people watch the highlights on Match of the Day and seem to be happy just to see the goals and the red cards and penalties and not much else. Even watching live football on pay to view television lacks the communal aspect of football as a sport. Instead of being part of the crowd, the television viewer is watching one place removed.

Loss of competition in football

Modern top-flight football in England has been changed by pay to view television. It has thrown billions of pounds into creating astronomical wages, transfer and agents’ fees. And to some extent all this money has bought success on the pitch and a commercial windfall. Why else would businessmen want to invest in mainly the top Premier League clubs? So much so that others can barely compete and the same few big clubs are there or there about at the top by the end of the season.

Income disparities between the various leagues were once narrow giving lower league sides more of the chance of victory by virtue of having good veterans and talented young players with various cup competitions open to them. Now there is an absolute gulf between the top and other tiers of the game.

When the playing field is so uneven, it unfortunately reduces unpredictability which is vital for the spirit of sport. Matches featuring one of the wealthiest clubs can at times become an exhibition with a forgone conclusion rather than a competition.

Money orientation in football

Average pay in the Premier league is about £200,000 per month, £2.5 million per year. Fans are constantly trying to assess player commitment versus income, fees paid against performance. Some commentators suggest consequently football is now all about knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing. If it is true football has become mostly about money, it appears to be spoiling the top-flight game.

Conclusion about sporting spirit

Sport can be deeply satisfying to play and watch when the sporting spirit of the game is present. This means, being honest with ourselves about our team’s performance, showing consideration for all involved, celebrating ones participation in a shared enjoyment and playing fairly.

«Whatever is good and true, just and fair, and also honourable, has a strong and hidden power within it to attract people’s minds.» (Emanuel Swedenborg, spiritual philosopher)

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Is Iceland set for another Cinderella run after Argentina's 3-0 loss at 2018 World Cup? | ESPN FC

The ESPN FC crew preview’s Iceland’s matchup with Nigeria, which takes on much more meaning after Argentina’s 3-0 loss to Croatia at the 2018 World Cup.

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Tips To Clean Your Football Boots

Have you got a pair of football boots? If so, you should take the right steps to clean them or they may not stand the test of time. We have put together some tips to help you clean your boots the right way. Read on.

Step 1: After you have come back home, loosen the laces and then remove the boots from your feet. Now, hold your boots and knock them with each other to remove the loose mud. Use a stiff brush to brush the sides of the boots.

Step 2: get a damp cloth and soak it in lukewarm water. Now, squeeze the cloth and then rub your boots with it to remove any mud from the shoes. Some mud may be stuck in the tiny grooves. You can remove it with a toothbrush.

Step 3: Get an old newspaper page and scrunch it up. Now, put it inside your boots before you store them for a long-term. This will help your boot stay in the same shape. Aside from this, the newspaper also helps your boots dry quickly as the paper will absorb water. Put your boots in a safe and dry place so that they don’t take much time to dry completely.

Step 4: Once your boots are dry, you can use a petroleum jelly or Vaseline to grease the studs. Another benefit of the petroleum jelly is that it will save the studs from rust increasing the lifespan of your shoes.

Step 5: to maintain the color of your football boots, you should make it a habit to polish them on a regular basis. After 24 hours, you can apply natural leather oil on your boots to save the leather from water damage.

Some Dos and don’ts

Some people kick their boots at the heel. While this is tempting, you should never do it as it may cause some serious damage.

Never use a wire brush on your boots as it is too harsh. Instead, you should use a brush made from a natural, soft material.

For cleaning your cleats, don’t use a cleaning agent that contains harsh chemicals. The best idea is to use lukewarm water and a clean piece of clothing.

Putting your cleats near the radiator for faster drying is not recommended either. Doing so will stiffen your cleats making them weaker.

Overuse of jelly on the studs is not a good idea either as it may loosen the studs or cut down on the friction.

After each use, you should wash your cleats. This is a good habit. Besides, don’t discard your old toothbrushes. Instead, keep them somewhere in your home and then use them for cleaning your football cleats.

So, if you have got a pair of football cleats, you should use these tips to maintain them. Keep in mind that replacing your shoes is not a piece of cake. You have to spend a good deal of money on each replacement. So, take care of your shoes so that they can last longer. Hope it will help.

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Argentina vs Nigeria – Beijing 2008 Men's Football Final | Throwback Thursday

Relive all the excitement of the Gold Medal match-up between Argentina and Nigeria from the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. This game will be remembered as an all-time great, with some of the biggest players in the world giving it their all, for the Gold!

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How To Remove Stickers and Decals Off a Football Visor and Window of Your Car or Truck

Question: When putting decals on a Football Helmet Visor, how do you remove the black decals that come on the visor?

Answer: If the sticker or decal that is on the visor is an easy peel vinyl, it should remove easily, but if it’s a standard adhesive, it can be difficult to remove.

In this case, what you’d need to do is get a hair dryer and heat the decal up enough that it is quite warm – but not hot – to the touch. Once this is done, get a fingernail under one edge of the decal and slowly pull it off. Hopefully it won’t leave any adhesive behind.

If it does leave some adhesive behind, you can get «orange peel» glue removers from the hardware store or possibly a larger grocery store as well. Apply to a soft paper or cloth towel, then dab on the glue until it softens, then rub it until it comes off. Clean the remaining residue with a dry corner of the towel. This type of glue remover works well on most plastics I’ve used without dulling or clouding the finish of the plastic.

Question: I purchased a large decal to apply to the rear window of my car, and I was wondering if there is any product that could be applied to the rear window to make the sticker easier to remove, plus protect the window simultaneously?

Answer: Not that we’re aware of. In reality, the decal itself will protect your vehicle’s rear window quite well. And if you understand how glue works, you won’t need to worry about getting the decal back off.

Of course, now I’m going to tell you how to get window decals off your car windows or bumpers the easy way. Well, sort of easy.

Most window stickers of the exterior application variety will be printed on vinyl sticker material or polyester decal material. The glue typically used is an acrylic adhesive, which, over time, becomes hardened and more difficult to remove. If you’re purchasing wholesale decals for resale, it might be wise to look into removable glue decal materials which are becoming popular for this reason.

But no mind. In your case you’ve already purchased a large sticker for the back window of your car, and you’re nervous about damaging the window, either during the application or removal of the decal later. In neither case do you need to worry about the window.

When it comes time to remove the decal from your car or truck, get a heat gun or a hair dryer to warm up the decal. If you’re using a heat gun, the lowest heat setting should do the trick. If you are using a hair dryer, you’ll likely need to use the highest heat setting. With large stickers, you may need to heat a small section of the decal and work it off a section at a time, especially if it’s been on the rig for an extended period of time. Once you’ve heated a small area (100 square inches or so), begin to peel the vinyl with a slow but steady pulling motion at around a 45 degree angle. As you get to the end of the heated window/vinyl, you’ll feel it become more difficult to remove the vinyl. Stop and heat another section of vinyl/glass, and repeat.

When you have the entire decal removed, you may find that there is some glue residue remaining on the glass. You’ll need a good «orange peel» oil glue remover, available at many hardware stores, to apply with a spray bottle or a soft towel or soft paper towel to the glue. Allow the glue remover a couple minutes to soften the glue. You may want to apply a second application of the glue remover to the residual glue to further soften it, especially if the decals have been on your car for more than a year.

Once you’ve softened the glue sufficiently, you can take a glue remover soaked towel and gently rub the areas where the glue is remaining. Once you can visually observe that the glue is gone, take a dry, soft towel and wipe the window again to remove the glue remover residue. If you need to apply graphics immediately, you can use isopropyl alcohol to neutralize the glue remover, or if the decal was on a painted surface on your car or truck, warm soapy water may be preferable to alcohol, which could potentially dull your car’s finish.

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Germany 1 x 0 Argentina ● 1990 World Cup Final Extended Goals & Highlights HD

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The 1990 World Cup final was played on July 8 at the Stadio Olimpico, in Rome, Italy. West Germany beat Argentina 1–0 and became three times the world champion. The final was a reissue of the previous World Cup final, when Argentina won 3-2.

Some curious facts about this match:

Argentina became the first team to not score goals in a Cup final.
She was also the first finalist to have two players sent off.
It was the first time that a team became a finalist with more than double the number of goals scored by the rival in the campaign (Germany with 14, and Argentina with 5).
Argentina reached the final with the worst attack of all time (he scored just 5 goals).
For the first time, the two finalists needed extra time and penalties in the semifinals to qualify for the Final.
It was the first time in a World Cup final that a European team defeated a South American team.

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High School Football – The Basics and Some Do’s and Don’ts

Well first off – this is just my opinion but here are some of the basics that I try to follow as a high school football official:

Player safety – the one thing I consider THE most important.   Always keep an eye out for player safety:

  • Clipping
  • Illegal blocks – chop blocks, block in the back, etc.
  • Face masks/pulling of the helmet openings/or chin strap – with twisting of the helmet
  • Unnecessary roughness – yeah it’s football – but an unnecessary hit to a player totally away from a play or a hit with intent to harm needs to be controlled

Slow down the game – make sure you see what you call.  It’s better to get the call right than to rush it.

Position, position, position – coaches and fans hate when a call is made 30 yards away from a play; and you know what – so do good officials.  Be in the correct position to make a call or to observe the play.   This is easier said than done and takes practice and good field mechanics.  KNOW WHERE YOU BELONG – AND BE THERE.

Communication – solid communication with your other officials is extremely important.  This starts with a pre-game dialogue. Talk about key aspects of the game, kicking game – position duties during kickoff and scrimmage kicks, measurements,etc.  just to name a few.

Whistle in Your Mouth? Do not officiate with a whistle in your mouth – chances are this is going to get you into trouble sooner or later by blowing an inadvertent whistle and if you do – own it, get over it, and learn from it.   It happens at all levels!

Read and study the rules – just about every chance you get.  It’s every official’s job to know the rules – not just the referee or umpire.   Sooner or later when communicating a call with the other officials you may be asked for clarification.  And sooner or later if you do this long enough your position is going to change – you may find yourself as the referee (white hat) one day.  Know the rules and learn them.  I will start covering some of the key rules in a future posting.

Lastly – have fun, an open mind, and always learn from what  you did during the game.  Keep a journal of what happened during each game, and set goals for yourself!

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