ARGENTINA Explotó Lionel Messi. A su llegada a Barcelona soltó una bomba. ¿Otra crisis? | ESPN FC

El argentino Lionel Messi no pudo disfrutar mucho del triunfo de Argentina 2-0 ante Perú en las Eliminatorias Sudamericanas para el Mundial 2022 en Catar. A su llegada a Barcelona, al ser cuestionado por los periodistas, Lionel Messi explotó. «Estoy cansado de ser siempre el problema de todo en el Barcelona», afirmó. En ESPN FC, Barak Fever opinó sobre el rendimiento de la selección albiceleste en el premundial de Conmebol. Miguel Ángel Briseño, Cristina Alexander y Andrés Agulla destacaron la situación a la que se enfrenta ahora en el Barcelona. #ESPNFC

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Semi-Professional Football

Semi-Professional Football is considered football that men play who get paid less than livable wages. This is not really correct. In most semi-pro leagues, such as the New England Football League, it is against league rules to reimburse players in any way. Which means no one is making any money playing semi-pro football.

The first year team for the Vermont Ice Storm in the New England Football League is made up of players who love football so much that they pay to play semi-pro football. In fact, all the players on the Vermont Ice Storm has had to purchase their own football equipment, contribute a player fee (in order to make sure they don’t have to pay extra for a team uniform) and they also have to pay for traveling expenses for getting to all practices and to all away games. Over the course of a season, the financial burden can be substantial.

Professional football was developed in the 1890s in Pennsylvania when local athletic clubs Played in intense competition. Former Yale football star William «Pudge» Heffelfinger became the first-ever pro football player when he was hired by the Allegheny Athletic Association to play in a game against their rival, the Pittsburgh Athletic Club in November 1892. By 1896, the Allegheny Athletic Association was made up entirely of paid players. As football became more and more popular, local semi-pro and pro teams were organized across the country. semi-pro football was the precursor to pro football. Why did they come up with the semi-pro football name? When we look at the history of this level of football it tells us that some name was needed to differentiate this type of football from high school, college, and pro football. A few traveling players, wandering the country in search of games to play in, were paid small amounts (usually under the table) to make local, small town teams look better and win.

In the 1910s professional football proved itself a viable spectator sport with the forming of The Ohio League. Canton was the premiere team featuring the legendary decathlete and football star Jim Thorpe. Thorpe was an international star who brought football to a new level. He won a gold medal in the in the decathlon in Stockholm in 1912. Thorpe and the Canton team drew big crowds and created a market for professional football in Ohio and beyond.

At the NFL’s Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio, there is reference made to the «Watertown Red and Black» football team being the «first pro football team in America. » So Watertown was the first ever paid football team. Today Watertown Red and Black is a powerful semi-pro team with a fine history behind it. It is a member of the Empire Football League with the Vermont Ice Storm being one of its opponents.

So «semi-pro» football means «amateur football» in a real sense. It is played by adults, from the ages of 18 to «whatever,» who love the game enough after their high school and/or college careers that they feel they haven’t gotten football out of their systems.

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How to Play Fantasy Football for Beginners

If you are entering the world of fantasy football for the first time, you are sure to wonder why it took you so long to come around. Playing fantasy football, whether for fun or real money, is a great way to enjoy one of America’s favorite sports, professional football. As a beginner, you will most likely be playing with experienced managers that already know the nuances of the game. This quick guide is designed to show how to play fantasy football for beginners, and maybe level the playing field just a little.

Picking a League Format

When you sign onto a free or real money fantasy football site, you will be asked to register. If it’s a real money site, you will also be asked to make a deposit. Free sites typically are used for league play where you draft a team and play that team in a league format for an entire season. Real money sites focus on weekly competitions where you pay the contest fee and choose your team for that specific contest only based on salary cap limitations. Regardless of which format you choose, you must take the time to understand the rules and the scoring in order to decide how to best develop your team.

Tips on Picking Players

As a beginner, you will most likely have a casual approach to picking players, preferring not to invest a great deal of time on statistical analysis. That’s fine and understandable, but you should be aware that some of your competition will use that information, which provides a bit of an advantage over those who don’t.

Tips for Picking Players in an Annual League Format

Note: standard leagues use offensive skilled position players, kickers and team defenses only. If individual defensive players are included, it is referred to as a «IDP» league. Beginners should avoid auction drafts and stick with standard «snake» drafts.

1. As you are drafting your team, pick the best available player for each specific position first before you start drafting backup players.

2. Draft a balanced team and try not to over-focus on one particular position. Also, you want to avoid drafting your favorite players unless they will truly benefit you in the scoring.

3. Look for a «scoring bias» in the scoring rules. This refers to the notion that some leagues sets scoring rules that might favor the QB a little. If so, you want a top QB. If not, you should give a little extra focus to running backs and wide receivers.

4. Pick kickers and team defenses towards the end of the draft as they seldom provided any real advantage over a full season.

5. Watch your «bye» weeks. You want to make sure both your QBs don’t have the same bye week, which would force you to the waiver wire or to lose points.

Tips for Picking Players for Weekly Contests

When playing for money, you should alter your focus. You are not drafting players, you are selecting the best group of players you can without exceeding the salary cap.

1. Find value by selecting good offensive players scheduled to play against bad defensive teams. On the other side of the coin, you should avoid offensive players going up against the best defenses.

2. You should read weather reports and try to avoid players who might be playing in rain or snow. If you selected your teams well in advance, go back and make adjustments as necessary before game time.

3. Look for streaking players who may be under-valued and avoid slumping players who may be over-valued. Don’t be afraid to play the trends.

4. Use every dime of your salary cap.

5. Never play with more money than you can afford to lose.

Every week, it is up to you to manage your team. In league formats, fellow managers are expecting you to show up and play every week to the best of your ability whether you are in first place or last. As time passes, you will better understand the objectives and will start making better decisions. At the end of the day, this is a game. Have a great time and enjoy.

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CONMEBOL Messi, con triplete, se quitó toda la presión con Argentina rumbo a Catar 2022 | ESPN FC

Messi tuvo una noche mágica, con triplete, y condujo a Argentina a una goleada 3-0 sobre Bolivia. La victoria puso a la albiceleste en el segundo lugar de las eliminatorias sudamericanas rumbo al Mundial de Catar 2022. En ESPN FC, Adal Franco, Mario Kempes, Fernando Palomo y Ciro Procuna analizaron la actuación de Messi y cómo se quitó la presión con la selección en casa. #ESPNFC #Messi #Argentina | ESPN Deportes

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Four Different Baltimore Pro Football Teams Have Won Championships

Winning the championship is the primary goal of any football team, or any sports team at all really. There is only one reason to go out and play and that is to win the championship. A championship season is not only rewarding to the players that duke it out on the field, but also to the fans that root them on. Cities and regions should be very proud of their championship winning teams.

Baltimore is a great football town and professional football has been present there in one form or another for more than 60 years. Many people don’t know this, but four different professional football teams have won championships while representing the city of Baltimore.

The Baltimore Ravens – 2000

The last Baltimore team to win a league title in pro football was the team that currently represents the city in the NFL, the Baltimore Ravens. The Ravens began as a franchise in 1996, having been active as the Cleveland Browns the previous year. They had a few tough years, but in 2000 everything came together behind a strong running game and an out of this world defense. They ended up defeating the New York Giants 34-7 in Super Bowl XXXV.

The Baltimore Colts – 1958, 1959, and 1970

The Baltimore Colts won championships three times. In 1958, they defeated the New York Giants for the NFL title in what many would refer to as the greatest game ever played. After trailing most of the 1959 title game, the Colts would eventually score 24 unanswered points and defeat the Giants in a rematch of the previous year’s championship game by the score of 31-16. The Colts won their third league title in 1970 when they beat the Oakland Raiders in Super Bowl V by the score of 27-17. Technically, the Colts have a fourth title as they were champions of the NFL in 1968, but went on to lose Super Bowl III to the New York Jets of the American Football League before the two leagues merged.

The Baltimore Stars – 1985

The Stars franchise had played the first two seasons of their time in the USFL in the city of Philadelphia. The team was moved to Baltimore for 1985 and though they weren’t as successful as they had been in the past, they were able to make it into the playoffs. The magic was still there though and they marched through the post season and would win the last championship game in USFL history by defeating the Oakland Invaders.

The Baltimore Stallions – 1995

The Canadian Football League expanded into the United States in the mid 1990’s, and one of the cities that got a team was Baltimore. In 1995, their second season, the Baltimore Stallions not only won their division, but they became the first team based in America to win the Grey Cup as champions of the Canadian Football League. The team was gone the next year as they were moved to Montreal and renamed the Allouettes.

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The Premise of Fantasy Football

There are many fun aspects of fantasy football that draw people towards the game. The first and arguably the most important reason is that it is free to sign up, as well as being easy to set up with your friends. All you need an email address, several friends and your fantasy league is born. There are also three key aspects to the game that will help make your experience more enjoyable as well as the equation to winning a league championship.

The first signature attribute of fantasy is the live draft which is one of my favorite things about fantasy football. Every draft night, you get together with friends and have a hangout centered around the live draft of your fantasy football league. It is also where every person (usually) feels good about their virtual football team as the draft happens before the actual games are played meaning that a lot of times in fantasy football, many different teams make the playoffs. The draft is only the icing on the cake in terms of managing a fantasy football team. Fantasy football experts often have said that fantasy football is a three-part game with three equal parts. The draft is one-third of the game, the waiver wire is the second part, and simply luck is the final aspect of the game. Drafting is important, but it hardly sinks your season as long as you stay on top of managing your fantasy team.

The second part of that three-step equation to fantasy football is the waiver wire, my favorite aspect of managing a fantasy team. It is the center driving force of playing the game of fantasy football as it is general managers trying to improve their teams each week whether through opportunity share or to injury/suspension towards another player. Do not ignore this aspect of the equation! I have seen players that have had excellent drafts but didn’t make enough moves on the waiver wire resulting in them missing the playoffs despite having a good team at the beginning. Managing a fantasy team is sort of like running a business, changes are going to happen and how to adjust to those changes on the waiver wire will help you get to the fantasy playoffs.

The last thing is that luck plays a huge role as well into winning a fantasy championship. The first two key aspects of the equation will get a team into the playoffs, but winning one requires a little luck. There is an old adage and it is «sometimes it is better to be lucky than good,» and that saying applies directly here. Get to the playoffs and hopefully some good luck is on your side.

Fantasy football is one of the most fun things to do whenever you need some down time either from school or work. The nuances of the game are what make it so fun for people to play and learning the basics of fantasy are what go a long way towards having fun which is of course is the most important part of playing.

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México choca con la realidad al caer con Argentina sin Messi y con muchas dudas, por más comentarios que hagan menos al fútbol argentino hoy la albiceleste habló con el peso de su historia y México regresa a su mundo feliz de la CONCACAF.


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10 Great Reasons You Should Join a Football Team

If you enjoy football, and having a kick about with your friends, perhaps you’ve never seriously considered joining a football team.  You might have thought that you weren’t good enough or were too old or too young.  These days there are many local teams, and if there isn’t one near you, why not start one up?

1. Improve as a player

If you’re a keen footballer already, you might be getting a bit frustrated with the people you play with. Perhaps you take your game seriously, and want to improve, whereas your mates might just see it as a bit of fun.

2. Play regularly

Playing football regularly will help you improve, and you’ll learn a great deal about the game.  You might even change position; you might have seen yourself as a defender, but the manager might see you as a winger, or a striker.

3. Exercise and fitness

Playing football will keep you fit and healthy, and if you take your game seriously, you might begin to think more about your body, and your diet. Lasting 90 minutes on a Sunday is a hard task, especially if you’re not used to it, and not in the best shape.  You’ll soon improve though, if you’re serious about your game.

4. Improve as a person

Becoming a regular in your football team will give you added responsibilities and will help you to mature.  You’ll have to turn up on time, and bring your kit, and be prepared for a training session or a match.  This can help you be more organized at work and at home.

5. Make new friends

Joining a team will be a great opportunity to make new friends, and benefit from their skills and experiences.

6. Not expensive

Football is a cheap sport to get involved in.  There’s no need to spend a fortune on expensive equipment.  As long as your boots are comfortable and you have suitable shin pads and gloves if you’re a goalkeeper, that’s probably all you’ll need, as the rest of the kit is likely to be provided by your team.

7. Work as a team

Working as part of a team will help you to play as a team, rather than 11 players.  You’ll need to follow the manager’s instructions during a game, and the coaching sessions will enable you to learn formations and tactics, as well as improve fitness and skills.

8. Achieve your potential

If you think you’ve got what it takes to be a footballer, you’ll want to give it a go, and not wonder if you could have made it as a professional.  Joining a team will give you this opportunity.

9. Play like a professional

You might wear the same boots as your favorite player, and try and emulate them, especially if you play in the same position.  You might spend a lot of time watching other football, to help you improve, or have the same discipline as a professional, as you take the game seriously

10. Because you enjoy the game

If you didn’t enjoy playing football, you wouldn’t want to play it.  So if you’re playing for a team, and you’re not enjoying it, for whatever reasons, why not consider putting in a transfer request, and trying out for a different team?

You might not be the speediest winger with all the tricks, you might not get a hat trick every game, but as a player in the team, you’re just as important.  If you let the team down, you let yourself down.  If you take your football seriously then you owe it to yourself to be the best player you can be. 

Who knows, you might even be spotted by a scout, become a professional footballer, and hit the big time!

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