50 comentarios en «Germany Argentina brawl»

  1. Certain things are taken out of context here. For one, you can be sure that everyone in the Argentinian team was pissed that Klose almost broke the ribs of Abbondanzieri during the corner kick when the two clashed. Instead, he suffered a contusion to the iliac crest, which is located right above the superior border of the wing of ilium and the superolateral margin of the greater pelvis. A soccer player receiving an injury of this kind is really difficult unless it's cause by an impact with another player – the clash itself has to be done in a aggressive manner in order to cause all the nerve endings to be inflicted. In the case of this clash, Abbondanzieri's nerves were impaled in the worse way. To me, that corner kick appears to be orchestrated to provide pressure on the keeper, but I am almost certain that Klose's intention was to aggressively go at the goalkeeper. I used to be a fan until I decided to review this, and seriously, Fuck Klose. That was the dirtiest shit I've ever seen a striker do. Argentina was winning this game and dominating – fair and square. all the pressure was on Germany. Why not go after the keeper? Abbondanzieri was having an incredible tournament too. There's no way Klose would've scored on him…

    So Yes, the Argentinians were pissed after the match because it was such a dirty fucking play when you look back at it. I would say it's probably one of the dirtiest plays I've seen in the World Cup competitions, and there are certainly many. But I can see it in Klose's body language after he hits Abbondanzieri that he did more than what he was hoping in aggressively attacking the keeper. Anyone who knows Futbol will agree that what Klose did is a textbook example of how to injure another player and making it seen like it wasn't your fault.

  2. the Argies are a crowd of whiners. might have been a penalty against Lahm but the Argies pulled down a German player in the box also which could have been a penalty.

  3. What the fuck has this got to do with that game and with the brawl at the end of it?You are more stupid that i thought.One last thing.Better bankrupt rather than arrogant and alone.

  4. Argentinians have no class. (Most) of them are stubborn little pricks who whine like babies when they lose or don't get their way.

    (I'm Mexican and German, I grew up with my Mexican and German sides of the family hating them–in soccer), so excuse my words for the Argentines. Any other German or Mexican would understand…

  5. @Basti6814
    nein hab ich nicht,hör doch was der zdf moderator für einen schmarn auf redet.
    das frings gesperrrt wurde hatte bestimmt nicht mit den italinischen nachrichten zu tun.
    sondern eher damit wie mann sich als nationalspieler zu verhalten hatt.
    wenn argentinen da nicht schon raus wäre,wären auch argentinische spieler gesperrt worden.
    das ist meine meinung, und jezt bitte keine scheiss italien argumnente,da hab ich gar keine lust weiter zu diskutieren,sorry.

  6. Germany failed to accept their defeat against Spain and today they hacked the FEF.this brawl was because the german manager,Oiliver Bierhoff encouraged to the violence.if the supporters have done,for me It's the same.

  7. haha..listen whats the kommentator says " since yesterday this pics where showed in italys tv..this could see the fifa, they could give frings a NO against the next game with italy"
    in the left you see the letters " ZDF" its a german chanel xD
    and buy the way..the whole world saw this LIVE in every chanel. xD

    the germs and his probaganda tv ..since 1938 or somthing like that .

  8. Ah I dont know…just several times the Euro and thrice the World Cup. Plus we enrich every tournament with exciting matches and spectacular goals.

    But of course you're right, it' would be way cooler to play defensive, boring soccer and to beat people up who win against us xD

  9. If you think they are "ucking argentines", why Gabriel Batistuta is one of your fav vids? And yeah i am sooooo jealous of Ballack and all the second and third places he has.

  10. I agree, emotions are something you can't always hide. The Argentines went mad, but it also shows how much they they wanted to win and how hard they tried. The ref was biased to the host team, so their anger is absolutely understandable. Germans are whiners, this WC proved it.

  11. Hahahaha, Frings great player? He is an average, typical German player with no skill, only physical strong and fouling all the time. Italy fucked Germany, like always. Ballack biggest pussy ever, the definition of a loser.

  12. Frings is an idiot, and punches like a pussy. The stupid Germans called him a messias after this WC, but he's just a dickhead.

    Lubos Michel, the referee of this game, should be beaten to shit, so much he whistles against Argentina this day.

  13. estas seguro que mas lindo?? en el ultimo brasil argentina, elq jugaron ayer, se defendieron todo el partido jugando de locales, muy bonito que digamos no jugaron ee

  14. Los argentinos deberían saber que volverán a ganar una copa mundial cuando se apliquen nuevamente estrategias extrafutbolísticas: 1)Que una junta de gobierno les compre la copa nuevamente (1978) o incluyan "pícaramente" las extremidades superiores para poder anotar (1986). Creo que se apellidaba Maradroga o Se llamaa Diego Armando Marihuana quien sabía hacerlo muy bien.

  15. esta manera de pensar es la razon por la cual tu pais, de la mierda, nunca saldra! por eso mucha gente no quiere a Argentina. hay que ser humildes. aprendan del penta-campeon BRASIL.

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