EXTENDED: Red Bulls U18s train with Argentina National Team

The New York Red Bulls U18s trained with the Argentina National Team at the New York Giants Training Facility in East Rutherford, NJ ahead of Argentina’s friendly with the US National Team on Saturday, March 26 at New Meadowlands Stadium.

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29 comentarios en «EXTENDED: Red Bulls U18s train with Argentina National Team»

  1. What I am most impressed by is that they don't just let those boys win like the top female players do. The women purposely hold back to avoid getting injured before more important matches, but despite the huge risks, Argentina still played hard enough to beat these boys. And in doing so, they taught them an important lesson about what it is like to play against a top level team. You don't learn as much when your opponent just purposely throws the match and lets you win.

  2. Underrated dream team. That in 2010 he could have achieved great things using his intelligence and putting a very capable technician and not someone who went through many rehabilitation and who knows, if he still had neurons.

  3. This is why soccer in the US never will be a winning sport. Even unwillingly US soccer showed it’s arrogance in this small episode by putting their coach and their players in the middle instead of Argentinian coach and superstars players.
    Things never change. They simply do not get it.

  4. Coach says it’s an opportunity that’ll happen once or twice in their lives. Twice? When is messi going to be grabbing a burger from McDonald’s?

  5. I was there megged Messi a couple of times & di maria a few more. Nothing out of the ordinary was an alright training session

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