El equipo de ESPN FC reacciona a la victoria de Argentina por 3-0 sobre Croacia en la semifinal de la Copa del Mundo 2022 y avanza a la sexta final del país. Se enfrentarán al ganador del enfrentamiento entre Marruecos y Francia. ✔ Suscríbete a ESPN+: ✔ Suscríbete a ESPN FC en YouTube:
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That Messi run to assist Alvarez🤧😊😤!!!
Messi and the team need to win the world cup to prove to Europe that Latin American teams too can compete with Europe.I don't like it when Mbappe underestimate Latin American teams but who knows, let's prove it on the pitch I know they have better team.
This Ale clown is ridiculous… Loud mouth, ignorant, who is he to comment on this level of football? Bring someone more knowledgeable to commentate as this guy is painful to listen to.
Congratulations to Argentina, the better team in this game and best of luck to them in the finals.
My Croatia will hopefully take the bronze medal to successfully finish this incredible campaign.
The only reason we’re talking about if it’s a penalty is because it’s Argentina and people just don’t want Messi to lift all the trophies at the World Cup. Right now he’s in
Messi to the final, story book ending if he wins it
Have you noticed how they all agreed that it was a penalty even though it has been a very very controversial call? Now compare this to thier reaction when they were asked whether or not Morocco should've been given a penalty when Hernandez tackled Boufal inside the box. Typical hypocrites especially that "amigo" Alejandro!
Is Alvarez carrying Argentina?😬
the other true goat Ronaldinho coming to watch and support him. The man still controls pace of game, is the best dribbler on the field, the best passer, best set piece, clutch
It’s not even Argentina anymore. It’s always Messi and Argentina. Just rename the country after him why don’t ya.
Messi and Alvarez were astounding! But Argentina’s defense was great as well! Tagliafico had an amazing game, and Otamendi, Romero and Martinez great as always!
Idiots 😝💪💥
Idiots Croatia is litlle countri, uefa end fifa amd
Faking Englezi, 🐒👎😝💯
The work is almost done.
Now Di Maria will come in and score a winning chipping goal💙🤍💙🤍
Guys please whisper a prayer for Messi and his mates.
I really hope that it's not 2014 all over again.
France will win against argentina the score will be 2-2 france win penalty, i know this becus im from the present, year 2881. im traveling to the past for a research duty, i wish i can tell you who scores but i cant quite remember since i just did a quick suhc like 3 days ago, just before i arrive, so yeah i just only know who won just recently too, im not a football sustan or fan. My granda was a massive football sustan, he always argue with my dad about whos the best footballer of all time, my dad always says mesi and that always makes my granda mad because he is a hardcore HNB, i wish i can tell him that it was all real, and my dad, he just hate granda.
Remember when Messi quit the national team when the going got tough?
It quiet unfortunate for Messi to play final with France bcs this is achievement that missed for his career to win but France will win back to back they will pocket Messi France just work on their midfield
You guys are boring, old white boring.
If you go back to the beginning of the WC after Argentina lost all these dummies were WRONG all the time about all the matches. They are clowns with a bit of racism all over their ‘opinions’.
Man shaka is so awful. He is so not able to digest the fact that Argentina in Final.He faked by picking them as favourite at first but then changed later and now he is giving a picture that everyone is favoring Argentina.
not a penalty but the games ruined
Go Argentina beat France
the best soccer player he has impact
I think Stevie has some sort of personal vendetta against Lovren! He blames him for the 2nd goal, saying he swiped at the ball and missed it….. but Lovren was nowhere near the ball
The 1st player was Juranovic who missed and the 2nd was Sosa!
It would be better to actually watch the match, know who all the players are and then make statements
Ya habían dicho que iba a ser campeón de este mundial o sea no hay juegos limpios
Do you have to have that accent on the pitch what ever, play some real football Is call Football American and Rug beef bring it will killit
How much you can decorate a cookie come on soccer is so simple you guys make so out of this World
These people saying "Argentina bribe FIFA" or "FIFA want Argentina win" is very very cringe.
First, Argentina is on the economic crisis. How on earth they can pay FIFA then?
Second, FIFA is a huge organization. Do you think everyone in FIFA will have the same thing in mind (want Argentina the world cup)? Come one, FIFA consists of people from various countries (Italy, France, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Switzerland, etc). Doesn't it make more sense if everyone want their countries win it?
Thank you TATA MARTINO for you help with México 🇲🇽😂👏😂😂💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵
La mafia ayudando a messi y argentina
The cup is being handed to Messi and Argentina from day one guaranteed.
The rules have changed since so if the goalie stands his ground and is collided by the forward is considered a foul that my lead to a penalty!!!!! I think Steve Nicol needs to go back home and pick up the latest FIFA rules book. It seems that he has not educated himself about all football rules by FIFA
Hope this message gets to Messi.
Let me make clear that he himself does not have anything to do with the past of his beloved Argentina actions.
But here is the history.
1974 WK in Germany.
Johan Cruyff playing for his nation The Netherlands…. made it to the final by beating Argentina 4-0 and Brazil 2-0 to loose the final 2-1 to the host.
1978 WK host is Argentina.
Johan Cruyff did not participate due to the fact that Argentine mafia threatened him not to play. Johan's family would suffer consequences.
The Netherlands made it to the final even without Johan Cruyff (The Messi of Holland) to face Argentina in the final.
3-1 Argentina won….2 goals in overtime.
My point.
I hope due to Argentina's past I hope France will win on December 18, 2022.
Only messi haters would say that's not a penalty lol
Finally Frank and Shaka grow a set and call it correctly – impressed by them standing their ground. The “100% man” giggling goof needs to stop smoking the ganja. Stevie is blind as a bat (like that’s news on here). No penalty. Goalie did not initiate contact – striker did. Let’s hope Frank and Shaka continue thinking for themselves and not towing the ESPN sham view!!
Argentina took the modric and midfield co. out of the game.. Julien Alvarez effort was impressive.
Stevie is spot on with his analysis on the spot kick. Shaka, why is he even here?
World Cup is boring
Nice individual goal from Alvarez??? Is this guy on drugs hahahaha
I don’t know what those two are on, but that foul for the penalty is a foul by any standards. If that’s not a foul, then obstruction isn’t a foul. The keeper missed the ball completely and his charge caused him to clatter Alvarez. How’s that not a foul and penalty??
This first part of the match Croatia really looked good and in control and comfortable. As an argentine….really respected Croatia. They are true warriors. their country should be very proud.
Messi wins mvp for World Cup ishowspeed switching up on Ronaldo yes let’s go my curse on Ronaldo worked now Messi the goat is finnaly gonna be number 1
Alvarez took a note from Haaland's playbook. Awesome
I feel the white panel are always picking on shacka its constant digs its endless its always them 3 poking fun at him